System Requirements
Apache Cocoon requires the following systems to be already installed in your system:
Java Virtual Machine
A Java 1.2 or later compatible virtual machine must be present for both
command line and servlet type usage of Apache Cocoon. Note that all servlet engines
require a JVM to run so if you are already using servlets you already have
one installed.
Servlet Engine
A Servlet 2.2 compliant servlet engine must be present in order to support
servlet operation and dynamic request handling. Note that this requirement
is optional for command line operation.
If you don't have a servlet engine installed, well, stop right here and
go to the Apache Tomcat project
then come back when you are done.
Getting Apache Cocoon
You have three choices for getting Cocoon: you can either download
a stable release, or you can download development snapshot, or you can
get the latest development version directly from the cvs repository.
Download a distribution
You can simply download the latest official release from the
Cocoon distribution
Download a development snapshot
You also can download one of the development snapshots from the
CVS snapshots
Step-by-step cvs instructions for Windows
See the Cocoon document
for starting tips.
(v1.2) (homepage is;
Install it;
Start it;
Click on admin->preferences;
In "Enter the CVSROOT:" enter
"" (without quotes);
In "Authentication:" choose ""passwd" file on the cvs server";
Click "Ok";
Click admin->login;
When asked for the password: answer "anoncvs" (without quotes);
Click "create->checkout module";
Module name and path on the server is "cocoon-2.0" (no quotes);
Choose a dir to put the source code in;
Go to the "Checkout-options" tab and select "By revision/tag/branch"
and enter "HEAD";
Click "Ok";
If everything goes well, messages will start to appear in the log
Wait until you see "*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****" in the
log window;
The Cocoon source is now on your harddrive.
Step-by-step cvs instructions for Unix
Start the shell of your choice.
Enter "cvs -d login".
When asked for the password: answer "anoncvs".
Enter "cvs -d -z3 checkout
-r HEAD cocoon-2.0". This will create a directory called "cocoon-2.0" where the
Cocoon2 source will be stored.
Wait until cvs has finished.
The Cocoon source is now on your harddrive.
In case you want to update your Cocoon source tree to the
current version, change to the "cocoon-2.0" directory and
call "cvs -z3 update -d -P".
Configuring Environment
Set JAVA_HOME environment variable
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the root directory of
the Java Development Kit installed on your machine. To do this simply type:
 |  |  |
[unix] JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/
[win32] SET JAVA_HOME=c:\path\to\java
|  |
 |  |  |
Your mileage may vary, but you know how to setup environments, right?
Java 1.4 configuration
Cocoon requires more recent versions of the Xerces and Xalan libraries
than those shipped with j2se 1.4. To override bundled libraries, follow
these steps:
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\endorsed directory.
xerces-XXX.jar , xalan-XXX.jar ,
and the xml-apis.jar from the
.\lib\core\ to the
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\endorsed\ directory.
 | Tomcat overrides the standard java endorsed directory. For tomcat, you'll need to use %TOMCAT_HOME%\common\endorsed for all these changes. |
 | If you use the binary distribution, the above jars are bundled in the war file. You can get them by extracting the war with a zip utility and looking in WEB-INF\lib
Due to changes in JDBC between JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.4, it is not possible
to use Cocoon built on JDK 1.2/1.3 with JDK 1.4 when it comes to databases. If you use the binary distribution, be sure to download the one appropriate for your JDK.
JDK Dependency
Cocoon requires a Java compiler for some components like XSP etc.
The default configuration of Cocoon does not use the compiler provided
with the JDK but it's own version.
However, if you want to use the JDK compiler, you have to change the
configuration of Cocoon and make sure that the correct compiler is
in the WEB-INF/lib directory. You can find the compiler
in %JAVA_HOME%/lib/javac.jar .
If you use the source distribution of Cocoon, the build system takes
care of this and copies the jar file to the appropriate directory.
If you use the binary distribution or want to switch between different
JDKs you have to copy %JAVA_HOME%/lib/javac.jar to
WEB-INF/lib/javac.jar replacing the existing version.
UNIX with X server
Cocoon is bundled with the Batik
(SVG rasterization toolkit) to deliver SVG imaging capabilities. Batik uses Java
java.awt library, which (at least in Sun JDK before 1.4) requires
graphics display. This means that X server must be running and Cocoon should
have permission to connect to it.
Easiest way to avoid X server connection problem (and to have mentioned permission)
is to install and run Cocoon and entire servlet engine of your choice under regular
user account.
For security, and many other reasons, X server can be replaced by Xfvb
or PJA (alternative awt implementation).
 | Sun JDK 1.4 does not require graphics display anymore, but Java has to be
started with the argument -Djava.awt.headless=true ,
and X libraries still must be installed. |
Headless UNIX and PJA
If you are using unix with the Sun JDK 1.4, it can run in the
headless environment (but you still must have X libraries installed!)
when following option is provided on Java startup:
 | If you use Tomcat, this can be done by setting environment variable
CATALINA_OPTS (Tomcat 4.x), or TOMCAT_OPTS (Tomcat 3.x): |
 |  |  |
export CATALINA_OPTS='-Djava.awt.headless=true'
|  |
 |  |  |
If you are using unix with the Sun JDK 1.3.1 or earlier, it's awt
implementation requires you to use X even if you aren't actually
displaying anything. One simple solution is to use a different
implementation of the awt.
From you can get an awt replacement that doesn't need X:
Then add the following options to the Java command starting your container:
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
 | If you use Tomcat, this can be done by setting environment variable
CATALINA_OPTS (Tomcat 4.x), or TOMCAT_OPTS (Tomcat 3.x): |
 |  |  |
export CATALINA_OPTS='-Xbootclasspath/a:/path/to/pja.jar \
-Dawt.toolkit=com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit \
-Djava.awt.graphicsenv=com.eteks.java2d.PJAGraphicsEnvironment \
|  |
 |  |  |
Building Cocoon
If you downloaded the binary distribution of Cocoon, you can
skip this chapter and proceed to the "Installing Cocoon".
Adding optional components
Some of the components delivered with Cocoon require additional libraries,
e.g. the Php generator or the FOP serializer (for more information about
these components, refer to their documentation).
Most of these libraries are already included in the distribution, but some
have to be downloaded manually. The build task checks whether you have
the required libraries or not and includes the optional components only
if you have the libraries available when you build Cocoon. Refer to the
Cocoon JARs page for a list of libraries
and locations where you could get them.
A library/package is available to the build process when it is located
in the ./lib/optional or the ./lib/local directory.
The following table contains a list of the optional components,
their needed libraries and if they are already included or not.
Component |
Required Library |
Library Included |
HTML Generator |
JTidy |
Yes |
Php Generator |
Php Servlet |
No |
LDAP Transformer |
No |
PDF Serializer |
Yes |
RTF Serializer |
jfor |
No |
If you want to add additional libraries, put them in the ./lib/local
directory as this directory is not touched by CVS.
Note: If you added a library/package, you
need to rebuild Cocoon as described in 'Create the Cocoon WAR package'.
Building a minimal Cocoon
If you want to build a minimal Cocoon, simply remove all optional libraries
from the ./lib/local and the ./lib/optional directory.
Make a build clean and then a build with the target you want.
However, if you want to build a web application make sure you leave the
servlet.jar in the ./lib/optional directory.
Note:This feature is only available in the latest developer
version of Cocoon which you can find in the CVS.
Running the build
Cocoon uses Jakarta Ant
for the build and installation, and comes with a build script
([unix]./, [win32] .\build.bat) that automates the process.
 | If you want to use build.xml directly with your copy of Ant, please
run the build script at least once after every CVS checkout, to ensure that
extra initializations like jar copying are done correctly. |
 | The UNIX build script ( overrides the existing ANT_HOME variable. |
There are basically two options that can be set as parameters to
the script: targets and properties.
About build targets
Targets are the execution units available in
Ant build files.
Only one target can be specified per run, by appending it to
the script invocation:
 |  |  |
[unix] ./ target
[win32] .\build.bat target
|  |
 |  |  |
About build properties
A target can use properties, that can, or must in some cases, be specified.
Multiple properties can be set, by appending them like this to
the script invocation:
 |  |  |
[unix] ./ -Dpropertyname=propertyvalue [target]
[win32] .\build.bat -Dpropertyname=propertyvalue [target]
|  |
 |  |  |
Cocoon build targets
The build.xml file comes with some basic
important targets. If no target is specified, the default one
is used (defined in build.xml).
 | Some targets are preliminary and their call method will change
in the future. Preliminary targets are marked as [BETA]. |
Cocoon targets place work files and results in a build directory
under the cocoon root. The only exception are the distribution targets
that build in a directory called dist.
The target you will most use is propably the webapp
target which builds a Cocoon web application. For more information see below.
build webapp
Creates the Cocoon webapp in ./build/cocoon/webapp
directory usable as servlet context for quicker turn around.
target: webapp
required properties: include.webapp.libs
buildfile: build.xml
To do this you simply have to type:
 |  |  |
[unix] ./ -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp
[win32] .\build.bat -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp
|  |
 |  |  |
If you want a "clean" web application, you can specify these optional
exclude.webapp.samples : to exclude the samples
exclude.webapp.documentation : to exclude the documentation
exclude.webapp.javadocs : to exclude the java docs
So, if you first remove all libraries from the ./lib/local
and the ./lib/optional directory except the servlet.jar
and then type:
 |  |  |
[unix] ./ -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes
-Dexclude.webapp.javadocs=yes webapp
[win32] .\build.bat -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes
-Dexclude.webapp.javadocs=yes webapp
|  |
 |  |  |
you get a minimal Cocoon web application without any samples or documentation.
But remember to make a build clean beforehand.
 | This is currently the default target. |
build war
Creates the Cocoon WAR package out of the ./build/cocoon/webapp
directory. It's a non-interactive version of installwar.
target: war
required properties: include.webapp.libs
buildfile: build.xml
It packages the complete webapp from the ./build/cocoon/webapp
directory into one file called cocoon.war . The configuration
and the options are so the same as for build webapp .
[BETA] build installwar
Builds and installs Cocoon war package in a specified directory.
target: installwar
required properties: asks the user for installation path
buildfile: build.xml
 | This is the recommended target for an easy install in Tomcat. |
 | Available in interactive build. |
build clean
Cleans the build directory. It is recommended to clean Cocoon
build directory every time you upgrade Cocoon, or add/remove
libraries from the ./lib/optional/
directory, or change JDK version.
target: clean
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | Available in interactive build. |
build package
Builds all main Cocoon targets to create the cocoon.jar
target: package
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | Available in interactive build. |
build compile
Compiles Cocoon source files.
target: compile
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | Available in interactive build. |
[BETA] build interactive
Shows common build targets and asks the user for eventual
properties that may be needed.
target: interactive
required properties: none - asks if needed
buildfile: tools/build-i.xml
To do this you simply have to type:
 |  |  |
[unix] ./ -buildfile tools/build-i.xml
[win32] .\build.bat -buildfile tools/build-i.xml
|  |
 |  |  |
 | This is the recommended target for first-time users. |
build docs
Builds the Cocoon documentation in html format.
target: docs
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | Available in interactive build. |
build javadocs
Builds the Cocoon javadocs in html format.
target: javadocs
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | Available in interactive build. |
build printer-docs
Builds the Cocoon documentation in html printer-friendly format.
target: printer-docs
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | Available in interactive build. |
build test
Runs Cocoon unit tests.
target: test
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | Available in interactive build. |
build dist
Creates source and binary distributions of Cocoon. This target
is not intented for the usual Cocoon user; it's primary used
by the Cocoon developers to create a new distribution.
target: dist
required properties: none
buildfile: build.xml
 | The results are in the dist directory. |
[BETA] build scratchpad
An interactive build to help alpha-testers in installing
cutting-edge code.
target: scratchpad
required properties: none
buildfile: tools/build-s.xml
To do this you simply have to type:
 |  |  |
[unix] ./ -buildfile tools/build-s.xml
[win32] .\build.bat -buildfile tools/build-s.xml
|  |
 |  |  |
 | WARNING: Scratchpad builds are not guaranteed to work.
You have been warned.
[BETA] build try
Makes it possible to try new build targets that have not yet made
it into the core build. These targets are in tools/builds/try.xml.
target: try
required properties:
buildfiles: build.xml, tools/build-t.xml
To test target test-target for example, you simply have to type:
 |  |  |
[unix] ./ try
[win32] .\build.bat try
|  |
 |  |  |
 | Targets are in tools/build-i.xml. |
Installing Cocoon
In most servlet engines, this is just a matter of copying
the war file in a specific directory and the engine will take
care of installing it when restarted.
 | The first time that you start Cocoon, it will take a few
seconds, since Cocoon needs to compile parts of itself. |
After that, point your browser to
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/ which will generate the live
Samples and also lead you
to the live local Cocoon documentation.
 | With the 2.1 version,
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/ goes directly to the
documentation, while
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/ is the Samples.
Installing on Tomcat 3.3.X
This is a very easy installation.
Build the Cocoon webapp as described above.
into tomcat/webapps directory.
Start Tomcat: Go to the
tomcat/bin directory,
and run the startup script.
Open the Cocoon welcome page:
Congratulations! You should see the Cocoon welcome page.
Installing on Tomcat 3.2.X
 | Cocoon requires Tomcat version 3.2 or greater. It wouldn't work
with Tomcat 3.1.X |
Tomcat currently uses a different version of the XML parser
than Cocoon. To get Cocoon to work, you need to perform the
following steps:
Stop Tomcat
Go to the tomcat/bin directory, and run the shutdown script.
Delete tomcat/lib/jaxp.jar
Tomcat's jaxp.jar is 'sealed', and since xerces contains its
own implementation of the JAXP standard extension, Java
will fail to load xerces and report a 'Package Sealing Violation'
if both are in the classpath.
Rename tomcat/lib/parser.jar to tomcat/lib/zparser.jar
Tomcat's parser.jar contains older versions of some the same
XML APIS that Xerces uses, and these will prevent Xerces from
functioning properly if they appear before Xerces in the classpath.
Since Tomcat's startup scripts automatically load all the jar files
in tomcat/lib in name order, changing the name of the file causes it
to be loaded last in the classpath.
Copy the cocoon/lib/core/xerces-XXX.jar and cocoon/lib/core/xml-apis.jar
JAR files to tomcat/lib
Cocoon will now be able to see and use the correct XML libraries.
Copy cocoon/build/cocoon/cocoon.war into tomcat/webapps
Start Tomcat
Go to the tomcat/bin directory, and run the startup script.
Start using Cocoon
Access the URI
with your favorite browser and start to enjoy the world of Cocoon.
Installing on Tomcat 4.0 - 4.0.1, 4.0.4b1
Tomcat 4 is a really straight-forward installation.
Build the Cocoon webapp as described above.
cocoon/build/cocoon/cocoon.war into
tomcat/webapps directory.
Start Tomcat: Go to the
tomcat/bin directory,
and run the startup script.
Open the Cocoon welcome page:
Congratulations! You should see the Cocoon welcome page.
Installing on Tomcat 4.0.3
If you have to use Tomcat 4.0.3, you have to replace its
XML parser with the one shipped with Cocoon.
tomcat/common/lib/xerces.jar file.
Copy following libraries from the
directory to the tomcat/common/lib directory:
to the tomcat/common/lib directory.
extra-classpath parameter in the
cocoon/src/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file:
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
For Windows:
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
 | param-value should be in one line!
Also, replace /tomcat/ (UNIX), C:\tomcat\
(Windows) with the path to your Tomcat installation home. |
Clean Cocoon build directory:
build clean
Build Cocoon webapp:
build -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp
Remove xalan-XXX.jar, xercesImpl-XXX.jar, batik-all-XXX.jar,
and xml-apis.jar from the cocoon.war archive.
cocoon/build/cocoon/cocoon.war into
tomcat/webapps directory.
Start Tomcat: Go to the
tomcat/bin directory,
and run the startup script.
Open the Cocoon welcome page:
Congratulations! You should see the Cocoon welcome page.
Installing on Tomcat 4.0.4b1 LE with JDK 1.4.0
This combination is also easy to install.
Build the Cocoon webapp as described above.
cocoon-2.0/build/cocoon/cocoon.war into
tomcat/webapps directory.
Set environment variable
Start Tomcat: Go to the
tomcat/bin directory,
and run the startup script.
Open the Cocoon welcome page:
Congratulations! You should see the Cocoon welcome page.
Make sure that JAVA_HOME enviroment variable points to the JDK1.4.0.
If you had JDK1.3.1 or earlier before, build clean before
all these steps.
Installing on BEA Weblogic 6.0sp2
This installs Cocoon using the cocoon.war file.
This was successfully installed under Windows 2000 and JDK 1.3.1.
Unix users will need to adjust appropriately. If you haven't done so already,
build a domain and a server. In this discussion, the name of the domain
is 'mydomain', the name of the server is 'myserver', and WebLogic installation
directory is c:\bea\wlserver6.0sp2\ . These are the BEA defaults.
Build the Cocoon webapp as described above.
cocoon\build\cocoon\webapp directory into the
directory of your WebLogic server.
Copy the
xerces-XXX.jar and xml-apis.jar JAR files from the
cocoon\lib\core\ to the directory of your choice, say c:\bea\ .
Add to the config.xml of the WebLogic server following snippet:
 |  |  |
<Application Deployed="true" Name="Cocoon"
<WebAppComponent Name="cocoon"
|  |
 |  |  |
c:\bea\wlserver6.0sp2\config\mydomain\startWebLogic.cmd file,
add xerces and xml-apis JAR files to the classpath:
 |  |  |
set CLASSPATH=c:\bea\xerces-XXX.jar;c:\bea\xml-apis.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.;.\lib\weblogic_sp.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.\lib\weblogic.jar
|  |
 |  |  |
Start WebLogic server using
startWebLogic.cmd .
Using a browser, you might want to check WebLogic configuration using console:
http://localhost:7001/console/ .
Open the Cocoon welcome page:
(Don't forget the final '/' in the link.)
Congratulations! You should see the Cocoon welcome page.
 | Because of some issues with this version of WebLogic, you will
see lots of exceptions in the WebLogic's console window.
Installing on ServletExec 3.1 (In Process with IIS)
This installs Cocoon in a "war" configuration. This was successfully
installed under Windows NT 4.0 and IIS 4. I don't believe that SE is
available for unix.
 | Please note that JDK 1.3 is required. |
Install IIS as usual
Install ServletExec (default paths will be used throughout), but
don't start it.
Build Cocoon's war file (include lib's)
Copy cocoon.war into
C:\Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\webapps\default,
creating the directory default if required.
Start IIS.
Open the Cocoon welcome page (
http://localhost/cocoon/ )
Congratulations! (hopefully) you should see the Cocoon welcome page.
Installing on JBoss 2.4.4 with Tomcat 4.0.1 (Catalina)
This section describes the deployment of the Cocoon sample WAR with
the JBoss-2.4.4_Tomcat-4.0.1 package. It assumes that you built Cocoon as
described above or downloaded the binary Cocoon distribution. All steps have
been tested with a fresh JBoss 2.4.4 installation on Linux and Windows 2000.
The JBoss/Tomcat package has the following directory structure
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
jboss denotes the JBoss-2.4.4_Tomcat-4.0.1/jboss directory
catalina is short for JBoss-2.4.4_Tomcat-4.0.1/catalina
cocoon is the base directory of your Cocoon distribution or CVS checkout.
In order to get Cocoon running you have to install Xerces as default XML parser for JBoss.
Stop JBoss if it is running.
Remove the following files from the
jboss/lib directory
xml-apis.jar from cocoon/lib/core/ to jboss/lib
 |  |  |
# Add the XML parser jar and set the JAXP factory names
# Crimson parser JAXP setup(default)
# Change it to Xerces for C2
# Remove the following two lines
JAXP="$JAXP -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=\
|  |
 |  |  |
 | Windows users have to change run.bat accordingly.
Start JBoss with or run_with_catalina.bat
cocoon/build/cocoon/cocoon.war to jboss/deploy
Check the server log to make sure that
J2EE application: [...]/cocoon.war is deployed.
Open the Cocoon welcome page (
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/ )
You should see the Cocoon welcome page.
 | As both JBoss and Cocoon ship with a Hypersonic database installed,
these two conflict and you won't be able to use Cocoon database (SQL) samples.
Then again, you probably use JBoss for EJB persistence anyway, so this shouldn't
bother you too much ;-)
Installing on JBoss 2.2.2 with Tomcat 3.2.2
This section describes the deployment of the Cocoon sample WAR with
the JBoss 2.2.2/Tomcat-3.2.2 package. It assumes that you built Cocoon as described above.
All steps have been tested with a fresh JBoss 2.2.2 installation on Linux and Windows ME(sic).
The JBoss/Tomcat package has the following directory structure
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
jboss denotes the JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/jboss directory
Tomcat is short for JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2/tomcat
cocoon is the base directory of your Cocoon distribution or CVS checkout.
In order to get Cocoon running you have to install Xerces as default XML parser for JBoss.
Stop the server if it is running.
Remove the following files from the
jboss/lib directory
Remove the following files from the
xerces-XXX.jar from cocoon/lib/core/ to jboss/lib
 |  |  |
# Add the XML parser jars and set the JAXP factory names
# Crimson parser JAXP setup(default)
# Change it to Xerces for C2
# Remove the following two lines
JAXP="$JAXP -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=\
|  |
 |  |  |
 | Windows users have to change run.bat accordingly.
Start JBoss with or run_with_tomcat.bat
cocoon/build/cocoon/cocoon.war to jboss/deploy
Check the server log to make sure that
J2EE application: [...]/cocoon.war is deployed.
Open the Cocoon welcome page (
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/ )
Congratulations! (hopefully) you should see the Cocoon welcome page.
 | As both JBoss and Cocoon ship with a Hypersonic database installed, these two conflict and you won't be able to use Cocoon database (SQL) samples. Then again, you probably use JBoss for EJB persistence anyway, so this shouldn't bother you too much ;-)
Installing on Resin 2.x
This section describes the deployment of the Cocoon sample WAR with Resin 2.x.
It assumes that you built Cocoon as described above. All steps have been tested
with a fresh Resin 2.0.0, 2.0.4, and 2.1.3 installations (the package is available from
Resin's download page)
After unpacking the Resin package you get the following directory structure
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
To get Cocoon running do the following:
Stop the server if it is running.
For 2.0.3 version and older:
If yours Resin is older then 2.0.4, you have to install Xerces as default XML parser for Resin
Remove the following files from the
resin-2.0.x/lib directory:
xerces-XXX.jar and xml-apis.jar
JAR file from cocoon-2.0/lib/core/ to
the resin-2.0.x/lib/ directory.
For 2.0.4 version and newer:
resin-2.x/conf/resin.conf , change value of the
servlet-classloader-hack element to true
Copy the
cocoon-2.0/build/cocoon/cocoon.war WAR file to resin-2.x/webapps directory
Start Resin as usual
Open the Cocoon welcome page (
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/ )
Congratulations! (hopefully) you should see the Cocoon welcome page.
 | If you want to place Cocoon webapp in a
directory different than resin-2.x/webapps , you need
to edit resin-2.x/conf/resin.conf file and add a line
somewhere in <host> tag:
<web-app id='/cocoon' app-dir='/path/to/webapp/cocoon.war'/>
Installing on HP-AS 8.X
HP-AS is J2EE application server available from the Hewlett-Packard website.
Download and install HP-AS 8.X
 | Cocoon cannot be deployed as a .war file in HP-AS.
Use the following steps to deploy cocoon.war:
Extract the
cocoon.war file to some directory, using WinZIP
or a similar utility to extract the files.
To run HP-AS, go to
( Start | Programs | HP Middleware | HP Application Server | System Console).
The HP-AS Console appears with a Log browser.
As the HP-AS kernel starts and initializes, messages will appear in the
status bar of the console.
Wait for the message 'Kernel started' to appear in the Log browser.
The following message should display:
[10/16/01 16:03:50][localhost_][S]:Kernel "kernel" started.
To verify that an instance of HP-AS is running,
open a web browser and go to
An HTML page should appear containing the following message:
Congratulations from the HelloWorldServlet
It appears you have the server running
My servlet path is /hello
This test is valid only if you've performed a full install of HP-AS
In the HP-AS console, select View | Deployment Window.
In the Available Files pane on the right,
browse to the the directory you extracted the
cocoon.war file to.
Expand this directory, and then drag and drop the
cocoon sub-directory node to the kernel.j2ee-partition icon
in the left pane.
When prompted, answer Yes to the deployment question.
This should create an appropriate entry in the HP-AS j2ee partition configuration file.
In the current version of the console,
there is no indication that the operation succeeded.
If you see a parser error in the Log browser, ignore it.
To test the deployment, open a web browser and go to the following URL:
Congratulations! (hopefully) you should see the Cocoon welcome page.
(this request may take some time).
Installing on JRun 3.1
This section describes the deployment of the Cocoon sample WAR with JRun 3.1,
on its default server. It assumes that you built Cocoon as described above. All
steps have been tested under Win2000.
To get Cocoon running do the following:
Stop the default and admin servers if they are running.
jaxp.jar and parser.jar
files (Crimson XML parser) from the jrun/lib/ext/ directory.
Install Xerces as default XML parser for JRun by copying
xerces-XXX.jar and xml-apis.jar JAR
files from the cocoon-2.0/lib/core/ to jrun/lib/ext/
Update Rhino shipped with JRun with newer version from the Cocoon by
jrun/lib/rhino.jar JAR file
with the cocoon-2.0/lib/optional/rhino-1.5r3.jar file.
Start JRun admin server.
Start JRun default server.
Open JRun admin page:
Deploy cocoon.war webapp using console. Use same values for
application name and URI prefix (e.g., application name "cocoon",
URI "/cocoon").
Open the Cocoon welcome page:
Congratulations! (hopefully) you should see the Cocoon welcome page.
 | Instead of deploying WAR file using console, same could be done by copying
cocoon-2.0/build/cocoon/webapp under jrun/servers/default/
directory and adding following lines to the jrun/servers/default/ :
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
Installing on iPlanet Web Server 4.x and other engines without context management
iPlanet Web Server 4.x provides the servlet 2.2 API (javax.servlet.* classes),
but the servlet engine doesn't handle servlet contexts. This means there is no classloader
built with the contents of WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib and that
resolution of context resources (using ServletContext.getResource() ) doesn't give
the expected results.
To be able to run on such non-compliant engines, Cocoon provides a bootstrap servlet in
org.apache.cocoon.BootstrapServlet that handles all the servlet context related
behaviours needed for proper functioning.
To use this bootstrap servlet, configure your servlet engine as follows (how to do it depends
on the actual engine - see below for iPlanet) :
add cocoon.jar (and only this one) in the engine's classpath,
declare the
org.apache.cocoon.servlet.BootstrapServlet servlet,
add a "
context-directory " parameter, whose value is the absolute path to Cocoon's
context (e.g. "/path/webapp/cocoon "),
add any other cocoon parameters you want to this servlet (see
web.xml for a
description of available parameters),
configure a path translation from "/" to the servlet.
For iPlanet Web Server 4.x, this translates to :
connect to the administration server of your web server,
in the "Servlet" tabs, select "Configure servlet attributes", and enter the following :
Servlet Name :
Servlet Code (class name) :
Servlet Classpath :
Servlet Args :
context-directory=/path/webapp/cocoon (and any other Cocoon
parameters you want)
select "Configure Servlet Virtual Path Translation" and enter the following :
Virtual Path :
Servlet Name :
save and apply your changes, and enjoy the latest Cocoon on an old-fashioned servlet engine !
Installing on WebSphere 4.0
This section describes the deployment of the Cocoon sample WAR with WebSphere 4.0,
on its default server. It assumes that you built Cocoon as described above. All
steps have been tested under Win2000 and WebSphere AEs 4.0.1 a0136.02.
To get Cocoon running do the following:
Start the server using
startServer startup script.
Open admin page:
Deploy cocoon.war webapp using console.
Save server configuration file.
Restart the server using
stopServer and
startServer scripts.
Open the Cocoon welcome page:
Congratulations! (hopefully) you should see the Cocoon welcome page.
 | WebSphere power users might deploy Cocoon by exploding cocoon.war into
installedApps directory and editing
config/server-cfg.xml file.