(eXtensible Server Pages)
is Cocoon's technology for building web applications based on dynamic
XML content.
Beyond static content (i. e., hand-written documents produced
by web authors), web applications demand dynamic content
generation capabilities, where XML documents or fragments
are programmatically produced at request time.
In this context, content is the result of computations based on request
parameters and, often, on access to external data sources such as
databases or remote server processes.
This distinction in content origin extends the "traditional"
regions of web publishing (content and presentation)
to also encompass that of logic.
Dynamic web content generation has traditionally been addressed by
embedding procedural code into otherwise static markup.
This approach is fully supported by XSP. Consider the following example:
 |  |  |  | . . .
String timeOfDay = (
new SimpleDateFormat("aa")
).format(new Date());
if (timeOfDay.equals("AM")) {
} else {
. . . |  |  |  |  |
Upon XSP processing, this XML fragment will yield:
before noon and:
While the above may appear simple (to a Java developer,
that is!), XSP has been conceived to allow web authors
to generate dynamic content without forcing them to learn
a programming language.
Thus, XSP allows us to rephrase our example as:
 |  |  |  | ...
<p>Good <util:time-of-day/>!</p>
... |  |  |  |  |
where <util:time-of-day/> is a
library tag encapsulating dynamic content
in a simple, transparent way.
This feature promotes an ideal division of labor
Application Developers encapsulate application
logic in a consistent, intuitive dynamic tagset
Content authors use an application-oriented
markup vocabulary (augmented with dynamic tags) to
produce XML documents
Presentation designers write XSLT stylesheets
to render the resulting content as visually appealing web
Of course, for those of us subject to "real world" constraints,
XSP also supports the time-honored approach of first using
embedded logic and then incrementally evolving the resulting
pages into a well-structured web application.
These concepts are illustrated in the XSP Samples included in the
distribution. David Parry has also written a nice
tutorial to supplement this documentation.
What is an XSP Page?
An XSP page is a Cocoon XML document containing tag-based
directives that specify how to generate dynamic content
at request time.
Upon Cocoon processing, these directives are replaced by
generated content so that the resulting, augmented XML
document can be subject to further processing (typically
an XSLT transformation)
XSP pages are transformed into Cocoon producers,
typically as Java classes, though any scripting language
for which a Java-based processor exists could also be used.
Directives can be either XSP built-in processing tags or
user-defined library tags.
XSP built-in tags are used to embed procedural logic,
substitute expressions and dynamically build XML nodes.
User-defined library tags act as templates that dictate
how program code is generated from information encoded in
each dynamic tag.
A Simple Example: Embedded Logic
In the following XSP page, the Java language is used to
generate some dynamic content:
 |  |  |  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
<?cocoon-process type="xsp"?>
<?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="sample.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<xsp:page language="java" xmlns:xsp="">
<page title="Time of Day">
// Define a variable to hold the time of day
Date now = new Date();
To the best of my knowledge, it's now
<!-- Substitute time of day here -->
</xsp:page> |  |  |  |  |
Upon Cocoon processing, this page should yield something
 |  |  |  | <html>
<head><title>Time of Day</title></head>
<h3 style="color: navy; text-align: center">Time of Day</h3>
<p>It's now Thu Dec 23 20:11:18 PST 1999</p>
</html> |  |  |  |  |
Let's dissect this example:
The XSP Processing Instruction
Two processing instructions are used in our example
to control how Cocoon processes its XML content:
<?cocoon-process type="xsp"?>
instructs Cocoon to generate a program (a
producer) that rebuilds the static portions
of the document as augmented by the embedded logic
<?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="sample.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
instructs Cocoon to apply the sample.xsl XSLT stylesheet to
the XML tree resulting from executing the generated
XSP producer program
Note that it is not mandatory for an XSP page to
be further processed by XSLT. Any (or none) other Cocoon XML
processing step(s) may be subsequently applied depending on
application requeriments.
The XSP Namespace
All XSP directives belong to the <xsp:>
Also, XSP pages are required to have an
<xsp:page> root element:
 |  |  |  | <xsp:page language="java" xmlns:xsp=""> |  |  |  |  |
The <xsp:page> root element can specify
the programming language used in the XSP page by means of
the language attribute. If this attribute is
omitted, java will be used.
The root element must also specify the XSP namespace URL
by means of the xmlns: attribute. As will be
explained later, this attribute is also used to introduce
user-supplied tag libraries.
Finaly, the XSP root element must contain only one
non-XSP nested element. Such element (<page>
in the above example) will become the root element of the
generated document.
The Logic Tags
In our example, the "user" root element contains:
 |  |  |  | <page title="Time of Day">
// Define a variable to hold the time of day
Date now = new Date();
To the best of my knowledge, it's now
<!-- Substitute time of day here -->
</page> |  |  |  |  |
Here, we use the two essential XSP logic tags:
<xsp:logic> . This tag encloses
developer-supplied program logic. Such logic will be
transcribed verbatim into the generated Cocoon
<xsp:expr> . This tag evaluates
a program expression and substitutes its value as
a Text DOM node in the resulting
In the fragment:
 |  |  |  | <xsp:logic>
// Define a variable to hold the time of day
Date now = new Date();
</xsp:logic> |  |  |  |  |
a new variable (now ) is declared that can
be subsequently referenced anywhere in the remaining
page content.
Note that, in this particular example, it's not necessary
to fully specify the Java type (java.util.Date )
because XSP automatically generates import
statements for the most commonly used Java libraries.
In the fragment:
 |  |  |  | <!-- Substitute time of day here -->
<xsp:expr>now</xsp:expr> |  |  |  |  |
the variable now is referenced so that its
value is inlined in the resulting XML document as a
Text node.
Note also that it's not necessary to explicitly cast
now to String .
<xsp:expr> takes care
of converting all Java types so that values are properly
converted depending on context.
In general, <xsp:expr> values are inlined
according to the following rules:
Primitive Java types (
int , long ,
etc) are converted to their String representation
and wrapped as Text
Node s (which is to say, instances of all subclasses of
org.w3c.dom.Node ) are left as-is
if their owner document is the same as the XSP output document, or
cloned if not (in order to change the owner document). Efficiency gains
can be made by always creating Nodes to be inserted with
document as their owner document (although this is probably
what you are doing anyway!). NOTE: You should not insert
objects whose type is equal to
Node because this is considered an abstract class - instead, use
Element to insert one element at a time, or DocumentFragment to insert
multiple elements at the same time. (Here "one element" and "multiple
elements" refers to elements at the top level, so <a><b/></a>
still counts as "one element" in this context, but <a/><b/> counts
as two.)
All other Java objects are wrapped as follows:
String s are directly wrapped as
Text . WARNING: This means that if you try to
insert some XML as a String using <xsp:expr> ,
it will not work! Instead, you will need to either use
<util:include-expr> , or build XMLFragment s
or org.w3c.dom.Node s instead - please read the
FAQ on this before asking
questions about it.
Arrays are wrapped as
DocumentFragment s
and each element is recursively applied these same
transformation rules.
Non-string objects are converted to
(by means of their toString method)
and subsquently wrapped as Text .
Note that some types may not provide a suitable
string representation, so they may require a
more elaborate, explicit expression.
A nice XSP feature (not present in other server pages
technologies) is that the <xsp:logic>
element allows for the arbitrary nesting of other markup
without the need to "prematurely" close it. For example:
 |  |  |  | <table>
for (int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {
</table> |  |  |  |  |
If such nesting was not allowed, the purely programmatic
alternative would be considerably more complex:
 |  |  |  |
for (int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {
// <tr>
xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
xspCurrentNode = document.createElement("tr");
// <td>name</td>
xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
xspCurrentNode = document.createElement("td");
xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
// <td>currency</td>
xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
xspCurrentNode = document.createElement("td");
xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
// </tr>
xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
|  |  |  |  |
Note, however, that it is not allowed to nest
<xsp:expr> tags directly inside
<xsp:logic> . For an expression
to be inlined inside an <xsp:logic>
element, it must be escaped by surrounding it with an
<xsp:content> tag. Example:
 |  |  |  |
for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues.length; i++) {
|  |  |  |  |
The observant reader may have noticed a rather
unpleasant feature in the above code: the
less-than sign (< )
must be represented as < !
This is an undesirable (but unavoidable) consequence
of the < and &
characters being special to XML parsers.
A workaround is to escape code chunks contaning the
less-than (< ) and
ampersand (& ) characters as
CDATA sections:
 |  |  |  | <table>
for (int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++)]]>
. . .
</xsp:logic> |  |  |  |  |
Caution must be exercised, though, to avoid enclosing
static markup inside the <![CDATA]]>
section, as this will result in syntax errors upon
compiling the generated Cocoon producer!
Another Example: Tag Libraries
In the following example, a developer-supplied tag
library is used instead of embedding procedural code:
 |  |  |  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
<?cocoon-process type="xsp"?>
<?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="sample.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<page title="Time of Day">
To the best of my knowledge, it's now
<!-- Substitute time of day here -->
<example:time-of-day format="yy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss aa"/>
</xsp:page> |  |  |  |  |
Here, the web author is shielded from programming
complexities at the expense of additional developer
effort in devising and implementing a proper dynamic
As mentioned early, this is the "ideal" XSP scenario:
dynamic content generation requirements are identified
before hand and represented in reusable tag libraries.
Web authors can then focus on their their "true"
purpose in life: producing content.
XSP uses XSLT stylesheets for source code generation.
Thus, each dynamic tag in a library is supported by an
XSLT template containing the program logic to be
generated. Upon execution, generated logic will yield
the dynamic content encoded by its underlying dynamic
Without yet delving into the finer details of the XSP
object model, let's see how the example tag
library stylesheet looks like:
 |  |  |  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:template match="xsp:page">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
/* "Example" Class Level Logic */
private static String formatDate(Date date, String pattern) {
if (pattern == null || pattern.length() == 0) {
pattern = "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss aa";
return (new SimpleDateFormat(pattern)).format(date);
<xsl:template match="example:time-of-day">
formatDate(new Date(), "<xsl:value-of select="@format"/>")
<xsl:template match="@*|node()" priority="-1">
<xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/></xsl:copy>
</xsl:stylesheet> |  |  |  |  |
Let's focus our attention on 4 key features of
this library:
- Namespace
- Structure
- Class-level logic
- Tag code templates
Library Namespace
Each XSP library defines a separate XML
 |  |  |  | xmlns:example="" |  |  |  |  |
Thus, all dynamic tags should belong to the same namespace
associated with their defining library
 |  |  |  | <example:time-of-day format="hh:mm:ss"/> |  |  |  |  |
While this discipline is not enforced by XSP, developers
are strongly encouraged to follow this pattern because it
prevents ambiguities and promotes document readability.
Program Structure
The <xsp:structure> section provides
the context for program-level declarations such
as the Java import directive.
 |  |  |  | <xsp:structure>
</xsp:structure> |  |  |  |  |
The <xsp:structure> tag may contain
zero or more <xsp:include> directives,
each specifying an external program module to be made
available to the generated XSP program.
Note that the exact semantics of this elments is
language-dependent. For Java, it corresponds to
an import statement. For Fesi
Javascript, for example, it may be interpreted as
a load() function call.
In our example, we're importing the
java.util.Date and
class definitions.
In all honesty, though, including
java.util.Date is redundant because
XSP always imports java.util.* . It's
included here only to emphasize that the
example library depends on it.
java.text.SimpleDateFormat , on the other
hand, must be included, because it's not among
XSP's "preferred" Java packages.
Cache Control
Also in the <xsp:structure> tag, a <util:cacheable/>
tag may be defined. This empty tag simply allows the page to be
cached. This should always be combined with a method declaration as
 |  |  |  |
public boolean hasChanged (Object context) {
// context is a HttpServletRequest
return // whether the page has changed.
|  |  |  |  |
Please read the guide to Cocoon caching
for more information. See also the next section for details on
declaring methods.
Class-level logic
In general, XSP class-level declarations (such as instance
variables or methods) are defined by means of
<xsp:logic> blocks
placed outside the user root element.
XSP libraries exploit this feature to declare class-level
variables and methods used by code generated in reponse to
the use of dynamic tags in XSP pages.
In our example, the following method is used to generate
a String representation of the current system
 |  |  |  | <xsp:logic>
/* "Example" Class Level Logic */
private static String formatDate(Date date, String pattern) {
if (pattern == null || pattern.length() == 0) {
pattern = "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss aa";
return (new SimpleDateFormat(pattern)).format(date);
</xsp:logic> |  |  |  |  |
Dynamic tag templates may then refer to this method.
Tag Code template
Finally, each dynamic tag must provide an associated
XSLT template that dictates what source code must be
generated whenever the tag is encountered in an XSP
Note that the source code to be generated must be
enclosed in either an <xsp:expr>
or an <xsp:logic> element. This
is so because these XSP tags will be later evaluated
by the XSP built-in library (itself an XSLT stylesheet!)
 |  |  |  | <xsl:template match="example:time-of-day">
formatDate(new Date(), "<xsl:value-of select="@format"/>")
</xsl:template> |  |  |  |  |
In this example, each reference to a
<example:time-of-day> tag
will be replaced by a corresponding
<xsp:expr> "call". Thus,
if an XSP page using the example
library contains:
 |  |  |  | <example:time-of-day format="hh:mm:ss"/> |  |  |  |  |
XSP will expand this reference to:
 |  |  |  | <xsp:expr>formatDate(new Date(), "hh:mm:ss")</xsp:expr> |  |  |  |  |
during library processing. Upon source program
generation this directive will be finally
 |  |  |  |
formatDate(new Date(), "hh:mm:ss"),
|  |  |  |  |
where the xspExpr() built-in method is
overloaded to wrap all possible Java types as a
Text Node.
Finicky developers may prefer to map dynamic tags to
bean method calls, as opposed to inlining
"raw" Java code.
While some may consider this a matter of taste, using
bean properties and methods is certainly
advisable because it isolates library code from
implementation details. This would allow, for instance,
for a complex Enterprise Java Bean to be modified
without impacting existing XSP pages.
The XSP Tagset
Tag List
This element is the root of all XSP pages and
specifies the scripting language and the tag
libraries used by a particular XSP page
This top-level element encloses source
program-level declarations such as
This element is used to import external
module definitions in a language-dependent
This element is used to embed procedural
logic in an XSP page. Enclosed code is
transcribed verbatim into the generated
XSPPage producer. Other
XSP or user markup may be nested inside
this tag
This element is used to embed "regular"
XML content inside an
<xsp:logic> block
so that no nested additional
sections are required
This element inlines a program
expression as a Text node,
except when used directly inside another
<xsp:> element,
where it is substituted as an
expression, not a node. If you
want to substitute an
<xsp:expr> tag
as a node inside another XSP
tag, you must enclose it in an
<xsp:content> element.
This tag is a placeholder only, and does not do
anything useful.
This element is used to dynamically provide
attribute values for a given element.
This tag is typically used in conjunction
with <xsp:expr> ,
where the substituted expression is
always cast to String
This element is used to dynamically create
a processing instruction.
This element is used to dynamically create
an XML comment.
Notes on Tag Usage
The <xsp:page> root element
has an optional language attribute
that defaults to java. Other scripting
languages (both interpreted and compiled) will
be supported in the near future.
The <xsp:page> root element
requires one or more xmlns: attributes
specifying tag libraries. These attributes specify
each tag library's DTD location as a URL.
At least the built-in XSP (currently,
xmlns:xsp="" )
library must be specified.
The order in which xmlns: attributes appear
does not necessarily affect the library processing order
(which is unspecified, so you should always attempt to make
logicsheets applicable in any order, if possible - if this
is not possible, see the FAQ). The XSP built-in
library, though, is always applied last, regardless of its
position in the xmlns: attribute list - that is because
it generates the actual Java source file rather than XML.
The <xsp:page> element can only
have one user element. This element
becomes the root of the generated XML document.
Only the following node types are valid as direct
descendants of the <xsp:page>
root element:
Zero or more
Zero or more
The user root element: as in Highlander,
there can be only one.
blocks that are direct descendants of the
<xsp:page> root element
(i. e., placed outside the
user root element) are generated as
class-level logic. This is used for declaring
class fields and methods.
Top-level processing instructions (other than
<?cocoon-process type="xsp"?> )
are preserved in the generated XML document.
This is convenient, for example, for subsequent
XSLT processing.
Some Java packages are always imported by
default. As such, they do not require
explicit <xsp:include>
directives. These packages are:*;
<xsp:logic> and <xsp:content>
can be used inside
blocks to avoid the recursive nesting of
additional <xsp:logic>
elements. Thus, the following XSP fragment
(which contains nested
<xsp:logic> blocks):
 |  |  |  | . . .
String timeOfDay = (new SimpleDateFormat("aa")).format(new Date());
if (timeOfDay.equals("AM")) {
} else {
. . . |  |  |  |  |
can be rewritten as:
 |  |  |  | . . .
String timeOfDay = (new SimpleDateFormat("aa")).format(new Date());
if (timeOfDay.equals("AM")) {
} else {
. . . |  |  |  |  |
Note that this does not work in cases where a
non-empty element would be "truncated" by an
interspersed <xsp:logic>
block. Thus, the following example cannot be
reduced by means of <xsp:content>
 |  |  |  | <xsp:logic>
Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
String parameterName = (String) enum.nextElement();
String[] parameterValues =
<td valign="top">
<!-- Trouble here -->
for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues.length; i++) {
<!-- End trouble -->
</xsp:logic> |  |  |  |  |
because the second <td> would be
"cut short" by any intervening
<xsp:content> .
<xsp:element> and <xsp:attribute>
The <xsp:attribute> tag
(which requires a name attribute)
is used in those cases where the attribute
name is known at compile time, but its
attribute values are not. For example:
 |  |  |  | <xsp:logic>
for (int i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
<xsp:attribute name="src">img/
</xsp:logic> |  |  |  |  |
Only XML text and <xsp:expr> are
valid inside an <xsp:attribute>
Note that whitespace is significant inside
so indenting <xsp:attribute>
content may result in spurious space being
generated. Unless you really need
to generate spaces as part of the attribute
value, resist the temptation to write something
 |  |  |  | <img>
<xsp:attribute name="src">
</img> |  |  |  |  |
Finally, if an element name is not
known at compile time, you must programatically
create it:
 |  |  |  | <xsp:logic>
String tagName = null;
if (ordered) {
tagName = "ol";
} else {
tagName = "ul";
xspParentElement = xspCurrentElement;
xspCurrentElement = document.createElement(tagName);
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
xspCurrentElement = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
</xsp:logic> |  |  |  |  |
This may be alleviated in future XSP versions
by introducing an idiom similar to the XSLT way
of substituting dynamic expressions inside
attributes values:
 |  |  |  | <xsp:element name='{ordered ? "ol" : "ul"}'>
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
</xsp:element> |  |  |  |  |
The <xsp:pi> element
requires a target attribute
specifying the processing instruction name.
<xsp:expr> is supported within xsp:pi -
for example:
 |  |  |  | <xsp:pi target="xml-stylesheet">
|  |  |  |  |
In the future, <xsp:pi> may be
renamed to <xsp:processing-instruction>
to achieve compatibility with XSLT.
Note that dynamically created comments
(<xsp:comment> )
may be removed by subsequent XSLT processing.
The XSP Object Model
Processors and Producers
A processor is a Cocoon Java type that
takes a DOM tree as input and produces another
(possibly modified) DOM tree as output. This
concept is similar to that of a Unix "filter"
in a command pipeline.
The XSP engine is implemented as a Cocooon processor
that accepts an XSP page as input. The first time a
given XSP page is processed, it is translated into an
equivalent source program which is then compiled, loaded
and executed. Subsequent requests for the same XSP page
result in the execution of the generated program.
As you may expect, the output DOM tree returned by the
XSP engine processor is actually built by the generated
XSP pages are compiled into Cocoon producers.
A producer is a Cocoon Java type normally used to
"feed" the initial XML content to the Cocoon processing
Thus, for example, when Cocoon serves a static, "regular"
XML document, file contents are actually delivered by
Cocoon's built-in FileProducer .
Whereas other related server pages technologies (such as
JSP) generate servlets, XSP generates producers
instead. This is so because, among other reasons,
the servlet model does not yet provide a mechanism for
portably and efficiently post-processing XML content.
XSP Built-in Objects
XSP defines an abstract producer (XSPPage )
as the base class for generated programs.
This class exposes a simple object model that can
be easily used by XSP developers to programmatically
control how XML content is generated.
The following objects are accesible inside an XSP
request .
A Cocoon-supplied wrapper to the standard
HttpServletRequest object.
This wrapper provides all the functionality
defined for its JSDK interface counterpart.
This object is typically used to retrieve
Http form parameters as well as to get
header and cookie information.
response .
A Cocoon-supplied wrapper to the standard
HttpServletResponse object.
This wrapper provides most of the
functionality defined for its JSDK
interface counterpart,
except for access to the
ServletOutputStream object
and its associated writer.
This restriction
is necessary to ensure consistent Cocoon
servlet output and does not impose any
limitation to XML processing. Other suitable,
non-output operations (such as setting headers,
cookies or content types) are allowed
session .
The standard HttpSession servlet
object. This object is typically used to
store data associated with a user HTTP session
servletContext .
The standard ServletContext
object. This object is typically used to
store application-level data by means
of its setAttribute and
getAttribute methods. Other
uses include determining the real path
of a URL as dictated by the underlying web
server virtual directory structure. Note
that the application-level data sharing
capabilities offered by this object are
available only for JSDK version 2.2 and
higher. To circumvent this for JSDK prior
to 2.2, use the xspGlobal
object (explained below)
document .
An XSP-supplied org.w3c.Document
object. Initially empty, this object is populated
by the generated XSPPage producer
and is typically used as a node factory
(document.createElement() ,
document.createProcessingInstruction() ,
xspGlobal .
An XSP-supplied global dictionary offering
the same setAttribute and
getAttribute services supported
by the standard ServletContext
object. This surrogate exists only to provide
application-level data sharing for older
servlet engines (prior to 2.2). Note that,
while providing a means for application-level
data sharing for older servlet engines,
such global data cannot be shared with non-Cocoon
servlets or JSP pages. For this purpose, use
the standard servletContext object.
xspGlobal may be deprecated in future
XSP versions
xspNodeStack .
A java.util.Stack used to control
element nesting in the XSP page Document
object. Extreme caution must be exercised in
using this object as all DOM manipulations
take effect on its top element.
xspCurrentNode .
An org.w3c.Node object corresponding
to the node being currently populated
xspParentNode .
An org.w3c.Node object corresponding
to the parent of the node being currently
populated. This object is normally the top element
of the xspNodeStack
xspParser .
A Cocoon-supplied DOM parser which may be used
to create new documents and parse external
XML documents
In addition to the above objects, the XSPPage
contains an xspExpr() method than can be
used to wrap any Java value as an org.w3c.Text
object. Example:
 |  |  |  | xspCurrentElement.appendChild(
document.createTextNode("It's now ")
xspExpr(new Date())
|  |  |  |  |
The XSPUtil Class
In addition to the above infrastructure objects and methods,
XSP provides a utility class, called XSPUtil ,
which is automatically imported, offering a number of DOM, HTTP
and file manipulation services implemented as public
static methods:
DOM Utility Methods
Node cloneNode(Node node, Document factory) .
This method performs a deep copy of its node
argument using the factory document as the
creator for the copied nodes. This is typically used to
embed external XML documents into the XSP page
document object. This is required because
DOM Level 1 parsers do not allow for a node to be
appended as child to another node if the two belong
to different document instances
String toMarkup(Node node) .
This method generates an indented String representation
of its node argument. This is typically
used to embed a textual, non-DOM representation of
external XML files as well as for debugging purposes
HTTP Utility Methods
String encodeMarkup(String string) .
This method scans its string argument
replacing occurrences of markup delimiters as
1) < is replaced by <
2) > is replaced by >
3) & is replaced by &
String formEncode(String text) .
This method converts its text argument
to x-www-form-urlencode format, as required
by HTTP form query strings. This method is actually
a replacement for (introduced
in Java2) and exists solely to provide this
functionality for JDK1.1.
String formDecode(String text) .
This method converts its text argument
from x-www-form-urlencode format to a
String representation. This method is
actually a replacement for (introduced
in Java2) and exists solely to provide this
functionality for JDK1.1
File Utility Methods
String pathComponent(String filename) .
This method interprets its filename
argument as a file name and removes the last
component to yield only the directory path
This conversion is performed in an operating
system-independent manner
String fileComponent(String filename) .
This method interprets its filename
argument as a file name and removes the leading
path component to yield only the file name
portion, including the file name extension,
if any.
This conversion is performed in an operating
system-independent manner
String baseName(String filename) .
This method interprets its filename
argument as a file name and removes the leading
path component to yield only the base file name
excluding the last dot file
extension, if any.
This conversion is performed in an operating
system-independent manner
String baseName(String filename, String suffix) .
This method interprets its filename
argument as a file name and removes the leading
path component to yield only the base file name
excluding the last occurerence of the
extension given by its
suffix argument.
This conversion is performed in an operating
system-independent manner
String normalizedBaseName(String filename) .
This method interprets its filename
argument as a file name and removes the leading
path component to yield only the base file name
excluding the last dot file
extension, if any. The resulting filename is
then scanned for non-alphanumeric characters
which are replaced by underscore
(_ ). An underscore is also
preprended to each directory component.
This is used to map file names to valid Java
This conversion is performed in an operating
system-independent manner
String relativeFilename(String filename, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context) .
This method is used to build a fully qualified pathname
for a filename relative to the request
URI. This is typically used to open operating system files
given a name relative to the request's virtual path
String relativeFilename(String filename, HttpServletRequest request) .
This method is used to build a fully qualified pathname
for a filename relative to the request
URI. This is typically used to open operating system files
given a name relative to the request's virtual path. This
variant depends on the deprecated
HttpServletRequest.getRealPath method and
exists only for compatibility with older JSDK's in which
the ServletContext object did not provide
a getRealPath() method
String Utility Methods
String[] split(String line) .
This method converts its line string
argument to a String array using
whitespace (blanks, tabs, carriage returns and
newlines) as field separators
String[] split(String line, String delimiter) .
This method converts its line string
argument to a String array using
the characters in its delimiter
argument as field separators
boolean isAlphaNumeric(char c) .
This method tests its c argument to
assert whether it is an underscore, a lowercase or
uppercase letter or a digit
Other Scripting Languages
XSP has been designed to support other scripting
languages, in addition to Java. In principle, any
programming language for which a Java-based
interpreter exists could be used to script
XSP pages.
In general, languages supporting compilation to
bytecodes, such as Java itself, Netscape's
Rhino Javascript
or IBM's
perform significantly better than interpreted
languages like
FESI Javascript
Interpreted languages, however, are expected to
play an important role in XSP scripting.
This is so because (in addition to their typical
ease of use) more and more field-specialized
languages are being developed for the JVM.
Such specialized scripting languages usually
offer more expressive power and conciseness
than strictly object-oriented languages.
For a fairly complete list of such languages
Programming Languages for the Java Virtual Machine.
Until recently, Java lacked a well-defined
scripting architecture that allowed applications
to incorporate scripting easily.
Bean Scripting Framework
(BSF) is an Alphaworks project providing such architecture.
BSF supports a growing number of
scripting languages including
On the Windows platform,
BSF also supports
Currently, XSP only supports Java as a scripting language,
though its design allows for an easy integration of
other languages.
In the near future, BSF will be integrated to XSP's own
language abstraction mechanism so that most (if not all)
of the above mentioned languages may become available
for XSP scripting.
XSP tag libraries are language-dependent. Thus, the
addition of a new language involves (at the very
least) porting the XSP built-in libraries. An XSP library is
composed of a code-generation XSLT sylesheet and an
optional library preprocessor class.
A library's code-generation stylesheet is simply a
"regular" XSLT stylesheet responsible for translating
user-defined dynamic tags into equivalent XSP tags
for a given scripting language (sometimes called logicsheet).
While a preprocessor is an optional library Java class
used to augment an XSP page DOM tree prior to
applying the library code-generation stylesheet.
Library preprocessors may be
language-dependent. Early experience
suggests, though, that the same preprocessor
class will be typically shared by different
languages for the same dynamic tagset.
XSLT extension functions and
extension elements may replace
library preprocessors in the future. In
this case, all code-generation logic would
reside in the library's stylesheet.
At this early development stage, we still don't know how the
implementation will evolve and we look forward for public feedback
before going any further along with the implementation details.
This initial implementation of XSP has
been developed by
and is being donated to the
Apache project as part of Exoffice's
commitment to the open source movement.
Special thanks must be given to
Ismael Ghalimi
for sponsoring and supporting XSP development.
Last, but not least, cheers to
Stefano Mazzocchi,
founder and leader of the Cocoon project and original author of
the XSP specification. Thanks!!!