Package org.apache.cocoon.mail

Interface Summary
MailSender A helper component used by the Sendmail action and the sendmail.xsl logicsheet for sending email messages.

Class Summary
MailAction This action creates javamail objects, and puts XMLizable object wrappers of these objects into the request attribute map.
MailCommandBuilder Build an AbstractMailCommand from MailContext.
MailCommandManager Manage invocation of mail commands.
MailCommandManager.MailCatAttachmentMessageByIdCommand Retrieved a message part by its part id, specifying the message by id, put retrieved part as command result.
MailCommandManager.MailCatMessageByIdCommand Retrieved a message (envelope plus content) of a folder by its id, put retrieved message as command result.
MailCommandManager.MailCatMessageByUIDCommand Retrieved a message (envelope plus content) of a folder by its uid, put retrieved message as command result.
MailCommandManager.MailFolderCatCommand Retrieve folder, and put it as command result.
MailCommandManager.MailListFolderCommand List all subfolders of a folder, put all retrieved folders as command result.
MailCommandManager.MailListMessagesCommand Retrieved headers of all messages of a folder, put retrieved messages as command result.
MailCommandManager.MailRefreshFolderCommand Retrieve folder, and put it as command result.
MailCommandManager.MailSearchMessagesCommand Description of the Class
MailContentHandlerDelegate Marshal javamail objects
MailContext Encapsulation of context info of this webmail application
MailContextHttpSession An extension of MailContext.
MailCtPref A simple MimePart preference selecting algorithm
MailMessageSender A helper class used by the Sendmail and the sendmail.xsl logicsheet for sending an email message.
MimeMessageUtil Description of the Class

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