Package org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input

Class Summary
BaseLinkModule BaseLinkModule returns a relative link (../, ../../ etc) to the base of the current request or sitemap URI.
ChainMetaModule This modules allows to "chain" several other modules.
ContextPathModule ContextPathModule provides a real filesystem path for a virtual context-relative path.
CookieModule Input module for cookies.
DateInputModule DateInputModule returns current date, optionally formated as string.
DateMetaInputModule Parses a date string according to a given format and returns a date object.
DefaultsModule Set a number of constants.
DigestMetaModule Meta module that obtains values from other module and returns message digest of value.
EnvironmentAttributeModule EnvironmentAttributeModule provides access to the current Environment, intended for internal use in VPCs.
FlowAttributeModule FlowAttributeModule provides access to the flow business object properties.
FlowContinuationModule FlowContinuationModule provides access to the flow web continuation object.
HeaderAttributeModule HeaderAttributeModule accesses request header attributes.
JXPathMetaModule JXPathModule allows to access properties of any object in generic way.
LocateResource Locate a resource in a resource tree.
MapMetaModule Meta module that obtains an Object from another module, assumes that this Object implements the java.util.Map interface, and gives access to the map contents.
NamingInputModule NamingInputModule accesses values stored in the JNDI context.
NullInputModule NullInputModule returns a null object.
ProjectPathModule ProjectPathModule provides relative and absolute paths with regards to the root of a project.
PropertiesFileModule Input module for accessing properties in a properties file.
RandomNumberModule RandomNumberModule returns a random number as a string.
RawRequestParameterModule RawRequestParameterModule accesses request parameters without decoding to the specified form-encoding or casting.
RealPathModule RealPathModule provides a real filesystem path for a virtual context-relative path.
RequestAttributeModule RequestAttributeModule accesses request attributes.
RequestModule RequestModule provides access to Request object properties.
RequestParameterModule RequestParameterModule accesses request parameters.
RequestScopedAttributeModule This is an extension of the RequestAttributeModule.
RequestURIModule RequestURIModule accesses the request URI.
SelectMetaInputModule Configuration
SessionAttributeModule SessionAttributeModule accesses session attributes.
SessionModule SessionModule provides access to Session object properties.
SettingsInputModule This module allows access to properties defined in the settings.
SimpleMappingMetaModule Meta module that obtains values from an other module and by replacing the requested attribute name with another name.
StringConcatMetaModule StringConcatMetaModule concats strings from configured module chain.
StringConstantModule StringConstantModule returns a constant string.
SystemPropertyModule SystemPropertyModule is an JXPath based InputModule implementation that provides access to system properties.
URLDecodeModule This module provides functionality for converting a String from the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.
URLEncodeModule This module provides functionality for converting a String to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.
XMLFileModule This module provides an Input Module interface to any XML document, by using XPath expressions as attribute keys.
XMLMetaModule Meta module that obtains values from other module and returns all parameters as XML.

This module provides an Input Module interface to any XML document, by using XPath expressions as attribute keys.


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