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ValidatorActionHelper (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Class ValidatorActionHelper

  extended by org.apache.cocoon.acting.ValidatorActionHelper

public class ValidatorActionHelper
extends Object

Helper class to pass the result of a validation back along with the validated object itself.

CVS $Id: ValidatorActionHelper.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $
Christian Haul

Field Summary
protected  Object object
protected  ValidatorActionResult result
Constructor Summary
ValidatorActionHelper(Object validatedObject)
          Create a ValidatorActionHelper object that contains just the object.
ValidatorActionHelper(Object validatedObject, ValidatorActionResult validationResult)
          Create a ValidatorActionHelper object that contains just the object.
Method Summary
 boolean doesNotMatch()
          Tests if the validation result is NOMATCH, can only occur when
 Object getObject()
          Returns the tested object.
 ValidatorActionResult getResult()
          Returns the result.
 boolean isNotPresent()
          Tests if the validation result is NOTPRESENT, e.g. when the value is null and is allowed to be null.
 boolean isNull()
          Tests if the validation result is ISNULL, e.g. when the value is null but is not supposed to be null.
 boolean isOK()
          Tests if the validation result is OK
 boolean isTooLarge()
          Tests if the validation result is TOOLARGE, e.g. in case of a double or long the value is too large or in case of a string it is too long.
 boolean isTooSmall()
          Tests if the validation result is TOOSMALL, e.g. in case of a double or long the value is too small or in case of a string it is too short.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ValidatorActionResult result


protected Object object
Constructor Detail


public ValidatorActionHelper(Object validatedObject)
Create a ValidatorActionHelper object that contains just the object. Defaults to OK as validation result.

validatedObject - object that has been validated


public ValidatorActionHelper(Object validatedObject,
                             ValidatorActionResult validationResult)
Create a ValidatorActionHelper object that contains just the object. Defaults to OK as validation result.

validatedObject - object that has been validated
validationResult - result of the validation
Method Detail


public boolean isOK()
Tests if the validation result is OK


public boolean isNotPresent()
Tests if the validation result is NOTPRESENT, e.g. when the value is null and is allowed to be null.


public boolean isNull()
Tests if the validation result is ISNULL, e.g. when the value is null but is not supposed to be null.


public boolean isTooLarge()
Tests if the validation result is TOOLARGE, e.g. in case of a double or long the value is too large or in case of a string it is too long.


public boolean isTooSmall()
Tests if the validation result is TOOSMALL, e.g. in case of a double or long the value is too small or in case of a string it is too short.


public boolean doesNotMatch()
Tests if the validation result is NOMATCH, can only occur when


public Object getObject()
Returns the tested object.


public ValidatorActionResult getResult()
Returns the result.

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