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org.apache.cocoon.acting.modular (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Package org.apache.cocoon.acting.modular

modular These sitemap components use modules to obtain values and are thus very flexible in use.


Class Summary
DatabaseAction Abstract action for common function needed by database actions.
DatabaseAction.CacheHelper Structure that takes all processed data for a table depending on current default modes
DatabaseAction.Column Structure that takes all processed data for one column.
DatabaseAction.LookUpKey Structure that takes up both current mode types for database operations and table configuration data.
DatabaseAddAction Adds record in a database.
DatabaseDeleteAction Updates a record in a database.
DatabaseQueryAction Executes an arbitrary query.
DatabaseSelectAction Selects a record from a database.
DatabaseUpdateAction Updates a record in a database.

Package org.apache.cocoon.acting.modular Description


These sitemap components use modules to obtain values and are thus very flexible in use.

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