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SecurityHandler (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Interface SecurityHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSecurityHandler, AnonymousSecurityHandler, DBSecurityHandler, PipelineSecurityHandler, ServletSecurityHandler

public interface SecurityHandler

The Security Handler A security handler is the connection between the web application and the backend system managing the users. A handler offers two main methods: one for login and one for logout. The login method tries to authenticate the current user and returns a User object on success. A SecurityHandler must be implemented in a thread safe manner.

$Id: SecurityHandler.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $

Method Summary
 String getId()
          Return a unique identifier for this security handler.
 User login(Map context)
          Try to authenticate the user.
 void logout(Map context, User user)
          This notifies the security-handler that a user logs out.

Method Detail


User login(Map context)
           throws Exception
Try to authenticate the user.

context - The context for the login operation.
The user if the authentication is successful, null otherwise.
Exception - If something goes wrong.


void logout(Map context,
            User user)
This notifies the security-handler that a user logs out.

context - The context for the login operation.
user - The user object.


String getId()
Return a unique identifier for this security handler. For session replication to work, a security handler must deliver the same identifier across systems!

A unique identifier.

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