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AbstractDoubleMapEventRegistry (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Class AbstractDoubleMapEventRegistry

  extended by org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
      extended by org.apache.cocoon.caching.impl.AbstractDoubleMapEventRegistry
All Implemented Interfaces:
Disposable, Initializable, Component, LogEnabled, ThreadSafe, EventRegistry
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultEventRegistryImpl, StoreEventRegistryImpl

public abstract class AbstractDoubleMapEventRegistry
extends AbstractLogEnabled
implements Initializable, EventRegistry, Disposable, ThreadSafe

This abstract base implementation of EventRegistry stores the event-key mappings in a simple pair of MultiMaps. It leaves all persistence to its concrete subclasses. To protect against future confusing inheritance trees, all internal implementation of the event-key mapping mechanism is hidden from its subclasses. If future EventRegistry implementations desire to use a different event-key mapping strategy but share persistence code, this package should probably be refactored to employ composition rather than inheritance. For now, simplicity favors inheritance.

$Id: AbstractDoubleMapEventRegistry.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.caching.EventRegistry
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Serializable[] allKeys()
          Return all pipeline keys mapped to any event
 void clear()
          Remove all registered data.
protected  void createBlankCache()
protected  void createMultiMaps()
 void dispose()
          Delegate persistence to subclasses then clean up resources.
 void initialize()
          Recover state by de-serializing the data wrapper.
 Serializable[] keysForEvent(Event e)
          Retrieve all pipeline keys mapped to this event.
protected abstract  void persist(EventRegistryDataWrapper wrapper)
          An EventRegistry must persist its data.
protected abstract  boolean recover()
          An EventRegistry must recover its persisted data.
 void register(Event e, Serializable key)
          Registers (stores) a two-way mapping between this Event and this PipelineCacheKey for later retrieval.
 void removeKey(Serializable key)
          When a CachedResponse is removed from the Cache, any entries in the event mapping must be cleaned up.
protected  void unwrapRegistry(EventRegistryDataWrapper ecdw)
 boolean wasRecoverySuccessful()
          Returns whether the registry was successful in retrieving its persisted state during startup.
protected  EventRegistryDataWrapper wrapRegistry()
Methods inherited from class org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
enableLogging, getLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractDoubleMapEventRegistry()
Method Detail


public void register(Event e,
                     Serializable key)
Registers (stores) a two-way mapping between this Event and this PipelineCacheKey for later retrieval.

Specified by:
register in interface EventRegistry
e - The event to
key - key


public void clear()
Remove all registered data.

Specified by:
clear in interface EventRegistry


public Serializable[] keysForEvent(Event e)
Retrieve all pipeline keys mapped to this event.

Specified by:
keysForEvent in interface EventRegistry
e - event
an array of keys which should not be modified or null if no keys are mapped to this event.


public Serializable[] allKeys()
Return all pipeline keys mapped to any event

Specified by:
allKeys in interface EventRegistry
an array of keys which should not be modified


public void removeKey(Serializable key)
When a CachedResponse is removed from the Cache, any entries in the event mapping must be cleaned up.

Specified by:
removeKey in interface EventRegistry
key - - The key to remove.


public void initialize()
                throws Exception
Recover state by de-serializing the data wrapper. If this fails a new empty mapping is initialized and the Cache is signalled of the failure so it can clean up.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Initializable


public void dispose()
Delegate persistence to subclasses then clean up resources.

Specified by:
dispose in interface Disposable


public boolean wasRecoverySuccessful()
Description copied from interface: EventRegistry
Returns whether the registry was successful in retrieving its persisted state during startup. If recovering persisted data was not successful, the component must signal that the Cache may contain orphaned EventValidity objects by returning false. The Cache should then ensure that all pipelines associated with EventValidities are either removed or re-associated (if possible).

Specified by:
wasRecoverySuccessful in interface EventRegistry
true if persistent state existed and was recovered successfully.


protected EventRegistryDataWrapper wrapRegistry()


protected void unwrapRegistry(EventRegistryDataWrapper ecdw)


protected final void createBlankCache()


protected void createMultiMaps()


protected abstract boolean recover()
An EventRegistry must recover its persisted data. Failed recovery must be signaled so that the Cache will know not to serve potentially stale content. Of course, at first start up failed recovery is a normal state.

boolean to signal success or failure of recovery.


protected abstract void persist(EventRegistryDataWrapper wrapper)
An EventRegistry must persist its data.

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