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ContinuationsManagerImpl.HolderAwareWebContinuation (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])
Class ContinuationsManagerImpl.HolderAwareWebContinuation
All Implemented Interfaces: Cloneable , Comparable
Enclosing class: ContinuationsManagerImpl
protected static class ContinuationsManagerImpl.HolderAwareWebContinuation extends WebContinuation
WebContinuation extension that holds also the information about the
holder. This information is needed to cleanup a proper holder after
continuation's expiration time.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.WebContinuation
clone , compareTo , detachFromParent , display , dispose , disposed , equals , getAttribute , getAttributeNames , getChildren , getContinuation , getContinuation , getId , getInterpreterId , getLastAccessTime , getParentContinuation , getTimeToLive , getUserObject , hasExpired , hashCode , interpreterMatches , removeAttribute , setAttribute , setUserObject , toString , updateLastAccessTime
public ContinuationsManagerImpl.HolderAwareWebContinuation (String id,
Object continuation,
WebContinuation parentContinuation,
int timeToLive,
String interpreterId,
ContinuationsDisposer disposer,
ContinuationsManagerImpl.WebContinuationsHolder continuationsHolder)
public ContinuationsManagerImpl.WebContinuationsHolder getContinuationsHolder ()
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