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AppleController (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Interface AppleController

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BindingWoodyApple, CalculationApple, GuessGameApple, HanoiApple

public interface AppleController

AppleController declares the main processing interfaces for the stateful controller objects.

Implementations are advised to implement Avalon lifecycle interfaces.

Method Summary
 void process(AppleRequest req, AppleResponse res)
          Allows the AppleController implementation to make some business decissions in a given web application flow.

Method Detail


void process(AppleRequest req,
             AppleResponse res)
             throws Exception
Allows the AppleController implementation to make some business decissions in a given web application flow.

Typically those decissions will be based upon what it can find inside the passed AppleRequest and result into setting specific aspects of the AppleResponse


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