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Continuation (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])
Class Continuation

  extended by

public class Continuation
extends Object

Continuation object to store the current execution. The continuation object can only used once.

CVS $Id: Continuation.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $
Stephan Michels, Torsten Curdt

Field Summary
 boolean capturing
 boolean restoring
Constructor Summary
Continuation(Continuation parent, Object context)
          Create a new continuation, which continue a previous continuation.
Continuation(String functionName, Object context)
          Create new continuation.
Method Summary
static Continuation currentContinuation()
          Return the continuation, which is associated to the current thread.
 void deregisterThread()
          Unbind the continuation to running thread.
 Object getContext()
          Return context object, which is associated to this continuation.
 String getFunctionName()
 ContinuationStack getStack()
          Return the stack, which is used to store the frame information.
 boolean isCapturing()
          True, if the continuation freezes the stack trace, and stops the continuation.
 boolean isRestoring()
          True, if the continuation restores the previous stack trace to the last invocation of suspend().
 void registerThread()
          Bind the continuation to running thread.
static void suspend()
          Suspend the running continuation or restore the suspended continuation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean restoring


public boolean capturing
Constructor Detail


public Continuation(String functionName,
                    Object context)
Create new continuation.


public Continuation(Continuation parent,
                    Object context)
Create a new continuation, which continue a previous continuation.

Method Detail


public String getFunctionName()


public ContinuationStack getStack()
Return the stack, which is used to store the frame information.


public Object getContext()
Return context object, which is associated to this continuation.


public static void suspend()
Suspend the running continuation or restore the suspended continuation. With the help of byte code manipulation this method is run twice, once at the end of request 1 to suspend the continuation and a second time at the beginning of the request 2.


public boolean isRestoring()
True, if the continuation restores the previous stack trace to the last invocation of suspend().


public boolean isCapturing()
True, if the continuation freezes the stack trace, and stops the continuation.


public void registerThread()
Bind the continuation to running thread.


public void deregisterThread()
Unbind the continuation to running thread.


public static Continuation currentContinuation()
Return the continuation, which is associated to the current thread.

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