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Uses of Interface org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input.InputModule (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Interface

Packages that use InputModule
org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input InputModules Introduction Input modules are generic components that let one map a key to one or more values. 

Uses of InputModule in org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input

input-module Configuration and name of input module used for the selection.
Classes in org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input that implement InputModule
 class AbstractInputModule
          AbstractInputModule gives you the infrastructure for easily deploying more InputModules.
 class AbstractJXPathModule
          JXPathModule allows to access properties of any object in generic way.
 class AbstractMetaModule
          AbstractMetaModule gives you the infrastructure for easily deploying more "meta" InputModules i.e.
 class BaseLinkModule
          BaseLinkModule returns a relative link (..
 class ChainMetaModule
          This modules allows to "chain" several other modules.
 class CollectionMetaModule
          Constructs an array of values suitable for a JDBC collection type from parameters obtained from another input module.
 class ContextPathModule
          ContextPathModule provides a real filesystem path for a virtual context-relative path.
 class CookieModule
          Input module for cookies.
 class DateInputModule
          DateInputModule returns current date, optionally formated as string.
 class DateMetaInputModule
          Parses a date string according to a given format and returns a date object.
 class DefaultsMetaModule
          Deprecated. Use DefaultsModule instead; this is not a 'meta' module and is thus misnamed.
 class DefaultsModule
          Set a number of constants.
 class DigestMetaModule
          Meta module that obtains values from other module and returns message digest of value.
 class FlowAttributeModule
          FlowAttributeModule provides access to the flow business object properties.
 class FlowContinuationModule
          FlowContinuationModule provides access to the flow web continuation object.
 class GlobalInputModule
          Deprecated. This module will be replaced by a better version in 2.2.
 class HeaderAttributeModule
          HeaderAttributeModule accesses request header attributes.
 class JXPathMetaModule
          JXPathModule allows to access properties of any object in generic way.
 class LocateResource
          Locate a resource in a resource tree.
 class MapMetaModule
          Meta module that obtains an Object from another module, assumes that this Object implements the java.util.Map interface, and gives access to the map contents.
 class NamingInputModule
          NamingInputModule accesses values stored in the JNDI context.
 class NullInputModule
          NullInputModule returns a null object.
 class PortletURLModule
          Input module to be used in together with LinkRewriterTransformer in JSR-168 (Portlet) environment.
 class ProjectPathModule
          ProjectPathModule provides relative and absolute paths with regards to the root of a project.
 class PropertiesFileModule
          Input module for accessing properties in a properties file.
 class RandomNumberModule
          RandomNumberModule returns a random number as a string.
 class RawRequestParameterModule
          RawRequestParameterModule accesses request parameters without decoding to the specified form-encoding or casting.
 class RealPathModule
          RealPathModule provides a real filesystem path for a virtual context-relative path.
 class RequestAttributeModule
          RequestAttributeModule accesses request attributes.
 class RequestModule
          RequestModule provides access to Request object properties.
 class RequestParameterModule
          RequestParameterModule accesses request parameters.
 class RequestURIModule
          RequestURIModule accesses the request URI.
 class SelectMetaInputModule
 class SessionAttributeModule
          SessionAttributeModule accesses session attributes.
 class SessionModule
          SessionModule provides access to Session object properties.
 class SimpleMappingMetaModule
          Meta module that obtains values from an other module and by replacing the requested attribute name with another name.
 class StringConstantModule
          StringConstantModule returns a constant string.
 class SystemPropertyModule
          SystemPropertyModule is an JXPath based InputModule implementation that provides access to system properties.
 class URLDecodeModule
          This module provides functionality for converting a String from the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.
 class URLEncodeModule
          This module provides functionality for converting a String to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.
 class XMLFileModule
           This module provides an Input Module interface to any XML document, by using XPath expressions as attribute keys.
 class XMLMetaModule
          Meta module that obtains values from other module and returns all parameters as XML.
 class XPathXMLFileModule

This module provides an Input Module interface to any XML document, by using XPath expressions as attribute keys.


Fields in org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input declared as InputModule
 InputModule ModuleHolder.input
protected  InputModule AbstractMetaModule.input
          The cached default InputModule

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input that return InputModule
protected  InputModule AbstractMetaModule.obtainModule(String type)
          Obtain a permanent reference to an InputModule.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input with parameters of type InputModule
protected  Iterator AbstractMetaModule.getNames(Map objectModel, InputModule staticMod, String staticModName, Configuration staticModConf)
          Get names of available attributes in the specified (usually statically assigned) Input Module.
protected  Iterator AbstractMetaModule.getNames(Map objectModel, InputModule staticMod, String staticModName, Configuration staticModConf, InputModule dynamicMod, String dynamicModName, Configuration dynamicModConf)
          Get names of available attributes in one of the specified Input Modules (static or dynamic, dynamic preferred).
protected  Object AbstractMetaModule.getValue(String attr, Map objectModel, InputModule staticMod, String staticModName, Configuration staticModConf)
          Get an attribute's value from a (usually statically assigned) Input Module.
protected  Object AbstractMetaModule.getValue(String attr, Map objectModel, InputModule staticMod, String staticModName, Configuration staticModConf, InputModule dynamicMod, String dynamicModName, Configuration dynamicModConf)
          Get attribute's value in one of the specified Input Modules (static or dynamic, dynamic preferred).
protected  Object[] AbstractMetaModule.getValues(String attr, Map objectModel, InputModule staticMod, String staticModName, Configuration staticModConf)
          Get an attribute's values from a (usually statically assigned) Input Module.
protected  Object[] AbstractMetaModule.getValues(String attr, Map objectModel, InputModule staticMod, String staticModName, Configuration staticModConf, InputModule dynamicMod, String dynamicModName, Configuration dynamicModConf)
          Get attribute's values in one of the specified Input Modules (static or dynamic, dynamic preferred).
protected  void AbstractMetaModule.releaseModule(InputModule module)
          release a permanent reference to an InputModule.

Constructors in org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input with parameters of type InputModule
ModuleHolder(String name, Configuration config, InputModule input)

Uses of InputModule in org.apache.cocoon.portal.components.modules.input

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.portal.components.modules.input that implement InputModule
 class AbstractModule
 class CopletModule
          Makes accessible coplet instance data by using JXPath expressions.
 class LayoutModule
          This input module gives access to information stored in a layout object by using JXPathExpressions.
 class SkinModule
          This input module provides information about the current selected skin

Fields in org.apache.cocoon.portal.components.modules.input declared as InputModule
protected  InputModule SkinModule.globalModule

Uses of InputModule in org.apache.cocoon.webapps.session.components

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.webapps.session.components that implement InputModule
 class ContextInputModule
          Deprecated. This block is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.

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