Class Summary | |
AbstractConfigurableSourceDescriptor | Abstract base class SourceDescriptors that want to configure the set of properties they handle beforehand. |
AbstractConfigurableSourceInspector | Abstract base class for SourceInspectors that want to configure the set of properties they handle beforehand. |
AbstractImageSourceInspector | Abstract base class for inspectors that can calculate the size of an image of a particular type. |
AvalonToCocoonSource | This source objects wraps an Avalon Excalibur Source to get
an obsolete Cocoon Source object for the use of the deprecated
method. |
AvalonToCocoonSourceInvocationHandler | An InvocationHandler which acts as a proxy for excalibur
Source objects to make them compatible with the cocoon
Source interface. |
BlobSource | A Source that takes its content in a single JDBC column. |
BlobSourceFactory | A factory for 'blob:' sources. |
CachedSourceResponse | Cached response for caching Source contents and extra meta information. |
CachingSource | This class implements a proxy like source that uses another source to get the content. |
CachingSource.SourceMeta | Data holder for caching Source meta info. |
CachingSourceFactory | This class implements a proxy like source caches the contents of the source it wraps. |
CocoonToAvalonSource | This source objects wraps an obsolete Cocoon Source object to avoid recoding existing source objects. |
ContextSourceFactory | A factory for the context protocol using the context of the servlet api. |
DelayedRefreshSourceWrapper | A wrapper around a Source that reduces the number of calls to
Source.getLastModified() which can be a costly operation. |
EmptySource | A Source that generates completely empty XML document or an
XML document that contains just a root node. |
EmptySourceFactory | A factory for 'empty:' sources (see EmptySource ). |
GIFSourceInspector | This source inspector adds extra attributes for image files. |
InspectableTraversableCachingSource | TraversableCachingSource that adds support for SourceProperty caching. |
InspectableTraversableCachingSource.InspectableSourceMeta | |
JPEGSourceInspector | This source inspector adds extra attributes for image files. |
ModuleSource | A Source that takes its content from a
module. |
ModuleSourceFactory | A factory for 'module:' sources (see ModuleSource ). |
MultiSourceValidity | An aggregated SourceValidity for multiple sources. |
PartSource | Implementation of a Source that gets its content
from a PartOnDisk or PartInMemory held in the Request when
a file is uploaded. |
PartSourceFactory | A factory for Part based sources (see PartSource ). |
QDoxSource | Source implementation for XML Javadoc. |
QDoxSourceFactory | This SourceFactory creates Source s for the javadoc: URI scheme. |
QDoxSourceFactory.SourceRoot | Represents an URI and which packages it contains. |
RepositorySource | Source wrapper that enhances the wrapped sources with additional capabilities. |
RepositorySourceFactory | Creates RepositorySources. |
SimpleJdbcSourceDescriptor | Simple SourceDescriptor implementation that can stores properties over JDBC. |
SitemapSource | Implementation of a Source that gets its content
by invoking a pipeline. |
SitemapSource.SitemapSourceValidity | A simple SourceValidity protecting callers from resets. |
SitemapSourceFactory | This class implements the cocoon: protocol. |
SlideSource | A sources from jakarta slide repositories. |
SlideSourceFactory | A factory for sources from a Jakarta Slide repository. |
SourceDeferredValidity | Deprecated. This class is not used and will be removed in 2.2. |
SourceDescriptorManager | This source descriptor acts as container for a set of source inspectors/descriptors. |
SourceFactoryWrapper | This class wraps a Cocoon SourceFactory and makes it usable within the Avalon Excalibur source resolving architecure. |
TraversableCachingSource | Traversable version of CachingSource . |
TraversableCachingSource.TraversableSourceMeta | |
URLFactoryWrapper | This class wraps a Cocoon URLFactory and makes it usable within the Avalon Excalibur source resolving architecure. |
WebDAVSource | A source implementation to get access to WebDAV repositories. |
WebDAVSourceFactory | A factory for WebDAV sources |
XMLDBSource | This class implements the xmldb:// pseudo-protocol and allows to get XML content from an XML:DB enabled XML database. |
XMLDBSourceFactory | This class implements the xmldb:// pseudo-protocol and allows to get XML content from an XML:DB enabled XML database. |
XModuleSource | A ModifiableSource that takes its content from a
module. |
XModuleSourceFactory | A factory for 'xmodule:' sources (see XModuleSource ). |
XPathSourceInspector | This source inspector inspects XML files with a xpath expression. |
ZipSource | |
ZipSourceFactory | Implementation of a Source that gets its content from
a ZIP archive. |