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org.apache.cocoon.components.source.impl (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Package org.apache.cocoon.components.source.impl

Class Summary
AbstractConfigurableSourceDescriptor Abstract base class SourceDescriptors that want to configure the set of properties they handle beforehand.
AbstractConfigurableSourceInspector Abstract base class for SourceInspectors that want to configure the set of properties they handle beforehand.
AbstractImageSourceInspector Abstract base class for inspectors that can calculate the size of an image of a particular type.
AvalonToCocoonSource This source objects wraps an Avalon Excalibur Source to get an obsolete Cocoon Source object for the use of the deprecated SourceResolver.resolve(String) method.
AvalonToCocoonSourceInvocationHandler An InvocationHandler which acts as a proxy for excalibur Source objects to make them compatible with the cocoon Source interface.
BlobSource A Source that takes its content in a single JDBC column.
BlobSourceFactory A factory for 'blob:' sources.
CachedSourceResponse Cached response for caching Source contents and extra meta information.
CachingSource This class implements a proxy like source that uses another source to get the content.
CachingSource.SourceMeta Data holder for caching Source meta info.
CachingSourceFactory This class implements a proxy like source caches the contents of the source it wraps.
CocoonToAvalonSource This source objects wraps an obsolete Cocoon Source object to avoid recoding existing source objects.
ContextSourceFactory A factory for the context protocol using the context of the servlet api.
DelayedRefreshSourceWrapper A wrapper around a Source that reduces the number of calls to Source.getLastModified() which can be a costly operation.
EmptySource A Source that generates completely empty XML document or an XML document that contains just a root node.
EmptySourceFactory A factory for 'empty:' sources (see EmptySource).
GIFSourceInspector This source inspector adds extra attributes for image files.
InspectableTraversableCachingSource TraversableCachingSource that adds support for SourceProperty caching.
JPEGSourceInspector This source inspector adds extra attributes for image files.
ModuleSource A Source that takes its content from a module.
ModuleSourceFactory A factory for 'module:' sources (see ModuleSource).
MultiSourceValidity An aggregated SourceValidity for multiple sources.
PartSource Implementation of a Source that gets its content from a PartOnDisk or PartInMemory held in the Request when a file is uploaded.
PartSourceFactory A factory for Part based sources (see PartSource).
QDoxSource Source implementation for XML Javadoc.
QDoxSourceFactory This SourceFactory creates Sources for the javadoc: URI scheme.
QDoxSourceFactory.SourceRoot Represents an URI and which packages it contains.
RepositorySource Source wrapper that enhances the wrapped sources with additional capabilities.
RepositorySourceFactory Creates RepositorySources.
SimpleJdbcSourceDescriptor Simple SourceDescriptor implementation that can stores properties over JDBC.
SitemapSource Implementation of a Source that gets its content by invoking a pipeline.
SitemapSource.SitemapSourceValidity A simple SourceValidity protecting callers from resets.
SitemapSourceFactory This class implements the cocoon: protocol.
SlideSource A sources from jakarta slide repositories.
SlideSourceFactory A factory for sources from a Jakarta Slide repository.
SourceDeferredValidity Deprecated. This class is not used and will be removed in 2.2.
SourceDescriptorManager This source descriptor acts as container for a set of source inspectors/descriptors.
SourceFactoryWrapper This class wraps a Cocoon SourceFactory and makes it usable within the Avalon Excalibur source resolving architecure.
TraversableCachingSource Traversable version of CachingSource.
URLFactoryWrapper This class wraps a Cocoon URLFactory and makes it usable within the Avalon Excalibur source resolving architecure.
WebDAVSource A source implementation to get access to WebDAV repositories.
WebDAVSourceFactory A factory for WebDAV sources
XMLDBSource This class implements the xmldb:// pseudo-protocol and allows to get XML content from an XML:DB enabled XML database.
XMLDBSourceFactory This class implements the xmldb:// pseudo-protocol and allows to get XML content from an XML:DB enabled XML database.
XModuleSource A ModifiableSource that takes its content from a module.
XModuleSourceFactory A factory for 'xmodule:' sources (see XModuleSource).
XPathSourceInspector This source inspector inspects XML files with a xpath expression.
ZipSourceFactory Implementation of a Source that gets its content from a ZIP archive.

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