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org.apache.cocoon.components.source (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Package org.apache.cocoon.components.source

Interface Summary
InspectableSource A source, which owns meta informations in form of properties
LockableSource A source, which could be locked
ModifiableTraversableSource Deprecated. use the one from excalibur sourceresolve instead
RestrictableSource A source, which is restrictable, which means you need a username and password.
SourceDescriptor A source descriptor handles modifiable source properties.
SourceFactory Deprecated. by the Avalon Exalibur Source Resolving
SourceHandler Deprecated. The Avalon Excalibur Source Resolving is now used.
SourceInspector A source inspector exposes source properties.
TraversableSource Deprecated. use the one from excalibur sourceresolve instead
VersionableSource A source, which could exist in different versions

Class Summary
AbstractSAXSource Deprecated. Use the new Avalon Excalibur Source Resolving
AbstractStreamSource Deprecated. Use the new Avalon Excalibur Source Resolving
AbstractStreamWriteableSource Deprecated. Use the new Avalon Excalibur Source Resolving
CocoonSourceFactory This class implements the cocoon: protocol.
DelayedRefreshSourceWrapper Deprecated. by the Avalon Exalibur Source Resolving
FileSource Deprecated. Use the new avalon source resolving instead
FileSourceFactory Deprecated. Use the new avalon source resolving instead
SitemapSource Deprecated. by the Avalon Excalibur Source Resolving
SourceDTO Data transfer object for a Source object.
SourceHandlerImpl Deprecated. The Avalon Excalibur Source Resolving is now used.
SourceUtil This class contains some utility methods for the source resolving.
URLRewriter This is an XMLConsumer which rewrites the stream according to the configuration.
URLSource Deprecated. by the Avalon Exalibur Source Resolving

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