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RenderRequest (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])
Class RenderRequest
All Implemented Interfaces: Request
public final class RenderRequest extends PortletRequest
Implements the Request
interface for
the JSR-168 (Portlet) environment.
CVS $Id: RenderRequest.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $
Alex Rudnev , Vadim Gritsenko
Method Summary
getMethod ()
Render request can be always recognized by GET method
getRenderRequest ()
Type cast portletRequest to RenderRequest
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.environment.portlet.PortletRequest
get , getAttribute , getAttributeNames , getAuthType , getCharacterEncoding , getCocoonSession , getCocoonSession , getContentLength , getContentType , getContextPath , getCookieMap , getCookies , getDateHeader , getHeader , getHeaderNames , getHeaders , getLocale , getLocales , getParameter , getParameterMap , getParameterNames , getParameterValues , getPathInfo , getPathTranslated , getPortalContext , getPortletMode , getPortletRequest , getPortletSession , getPortletSession , getPreferences , getProperties , getProperty , getPropertyNames , getProtocol , getQueryString , getRemoteAddr , getRemoteHost , getRemoteUser , getRequestedSessionId , getRequestURI , getResponseContentType , getResponseContentTypes , getScheme , getServerName , getServerPort , getServletPath , getSession , getSession , getSitemapURI , getSitemapURIPrefix , getUserPrincipal , getWindowState , isPortletModeAllowed , isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie , isRequestedSessionIdFromURL , isRequestedSessionIdValid , isSecure , isUserInRole , isWindowStateAllowed , removeAttribute , setAttribute , setCharacterEncoding , setContainerEncoding
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait
protected RenderRequest (String servletPath,
String pathInfo,
javax.portlet.RenderRequest request,
PortletEnvironment environment)
Creates a RenderRequest based on a real RenderRequest object
public javax.portlet.RenderRequest getRenderRequest ()
Type cast portletRequest to RenderRequest
Returns: type casted portletRequest
public String getMethod ()
Render request can be always recognized by GET method
Specified by: getMethod
in interface Request
Specified by: getMethod
in class PortletRequest
Returns: a String
specifying the name
of the method with which
this request was made
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