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FormManager (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Interface FormManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FormManager

Work interface for the component that can create Forms.

$Id: FormManager.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $

Field Summary
static String ROLE
Method Summary
 Form createForm(Element formElement)
          Creates a form instance based on the XML form definition that is supplied as a DOM tree.
 Form createForm(Source source)
          Creates a form instance based on the XML form definition that can be read from the specified source.
 Form createForm(String uri)
          Creates a form instance based on the XML form definition that can be retrieved from the specified URI.
 FormDefinition createFormDefinition(Element formElement)
          Creates a form definition based on the XML form definition that is supplied as a DOM tree.
 FormDefinition createFormDefinition(Source source)
          Creates a form definition based on the XML form definition that can be retrieved from the specified source.
 FormDefinition createFormDefinition(String uri)
          Creates a form definition based on the XML form definition that can be retrieved from the specified URI.

Field Detail


static final String ROLE
Method Detail


Form createForm(String uri)
                throws Exception
Creates a form instance based on the XML form definition that can be retrieved from the specified URI.

The form definition will be cached, so that future form instances can be created quickly.



Form createForm(Source source)
                throws Exception
Creates a form instance based on the XML form definition that can be read from the specified source.

To avoid having to resolve the Source object yourself, use the createForm(String) method.

The form definition will be cached, so that future form instances can be created quickly.



Form createForm(Element formElement)
                throws Exception
Creates a form instance based on the XML form definition that is supplied as a DOM tree.

The specified element must be a fd:form element.

The Form Definition will not be cached.



FormDefinition createFormDefinition(String uri)
                                    throws Exception
Creates a form definition based on the XML form definition that can be retrieved from the specified URI.

The root element must be a <fd:form> element.

The form definition will be cached, so that future form instances can be created quickly.



FormDefinition createFormDefinition(Source source)
                                    throws Exception
Creates a form definition based on the XML form definition that can be retrieved from the specified source.

To avoid having to resolve the Source object yourself, use the createFormDefinition(String) method.

The root element must be a <fd:form> element.

The form definition will be cached, so that future form instances can be created quickly.



FormDefinition createFormDefinition(Element formElement)
                                    throws Exception
Creates a form definition based on the XML form definition that is supplied as a DOM tree.

The specified element must be a <fd:form> element.

The Form Definition will not be cached.


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