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Uses of Class org.apache.cocoon.forms.acting.AbstractFormsAction (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFormsAction

Uses of AbstractFormsAction in org.apache.cocoon.forms.acting

Subclasses of AbstractFormsAction in org.apache.cocoon.forms.acting
 class HandleFormSubmitAction
          An action that will create a form instance, let it handle the current request (and do validation), and will return not-null if validation was successfully or null when validation failed.

Uses of AbstractFormsAction in org.apache.cocoon.forms.samples

Subclasses of AbstractFormsAction in org.apache.cocoon.forms.samples
 class InitForm1Action
          An action that creates an instance of a specific example form included with Cocoon Forms, and adds some rows to its repeater widget.

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