Class RangeValidationRule

  extended by org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.validationruleimpl.AbstractValidationRule
      extended by org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.validationruleimpl.RangeValidationRule
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RangeValidationRule
extends AbstractValidationRule

Checks numeric ranges. Works for Integer, Long, BigDecimal, Float, Double, and Date values. Numbers are converted to the BigDecimal before comparing.

This validation rule can perform 3 different checks:

$Id: RangeValidationRule.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void setMaxExpr(org.outerj.expression.Expression maxExpr)
 void setMinExpr(org.outerj.expression.Expression minExpr)
 boolean supportsType(Class clazz, boolean arrayType)
          Returns true if this ValidationRule supports validating objects of the same class as the one specified.
 ValidationError validate(Object value, org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.validationruleimpl.AbstractValidationRule
evaluateComparable, evaluateNumeric, getFailMessage, hasFailMessage, setFailMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RangeValidationRule()
Method Detail


public void setMinExpr(org.outerj.expression.Expression minExpr)


public void setMaxExpr(org.outerj.expression.Expression maxExpr)


public ValidationError validate(Object value,
                                org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext)
value - a value of a class supported by the ValidationRule implementation
expressionContext - many validation rules use the xReporter expression interpreter, the expressionContext allows to resolve variables used in these expressions.


public boolean supportsType(Class clazz,
                            boolean arrayType)
Description copied from interface: ValidationRule
Returns true if this ValidationRule supports validating objects of the same class as the one specified. If the flag 'arrayType' is true, this method will return true if this validation rule can validate arrays of these objects (i.e. the object passed to the validate method will then be an array).

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