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org.apache.cocoon.forms.event (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Package org.apache.cocoon.forms.event

Interface Summary
ActionListener Listeners for ActionEvents
ActionListenerEnabled Interface to be implemented by Widgets on which ActionListeners can be registered.
CreateListener Listeners for CreateEvents
FormHandler A FormHandler can be registered with a Form, and will then receive all events fired by widgets on the form.
ProcessingPhaseListener Listener invoked when a form processing phase ends.
RepeaterListener Listeners for RepeaterEvents
ValueChangedListener Listener invoked when a field value changes.
ValueChangedListenerEnabled Interface to be implemented by Widgets on which ValueChangedListeners can be registered.
WidgetListener Base interface for all widget event listeners.
WidgetListenerBuilder A component that build widget event listeners.

Class Summary
AbstractFormHandler Abstract implementation of FormHandler, which checks the type of the WidgetEvent and calls the more specific AbstractFormHandler.handleActionEvent(ActionEvent) or AbstractFormHandler.handleValueChangedEvent(ValueChangedEvent) methods.
ActionEvent Currently this event originates from a Button widget.
CreateEvent An event raised when a widget is created, once it has been fully set up.
DeferredValueChangedEvent A ValueChangedEvent that defers getting the new value from the widget until it's actually requested.
ImageMapEvent Currently this event originates from a ImageMap widget.
ProcessingPhase Type-safe enumeration of the various form processing phases.
ProcessingPhaseEvent Event raised when a form processing phase is finished.
RepeaterEvent An event raised when a repeater widget row is added, removed or reordered.
RepeaterEventAction Type-safe enumeration of the various repeater actions that triggers events.
ValueChangedEvent Event raised when a field value changes.
WidgetEvent Base class for events sent by form widgets.
WidgetEventMulticaster Convenience class to handle all widget event listeners.

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