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AbstractContainerWidget (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Class AbstractContainerWidget

  extended by org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.AbstractWidget
      extended by org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.AbstractContainerWidget
All Implemented Interfaces:
ContainerWidget, Widget, Locatable
Direct Known Subclasses:
Form, Group, Repeater.RepeaterRow, Union

public abstract class AbstractContainerWidget
extends AbstractWidget
implements ContainerWidget

A general-purpose abstract Widget which can hold zero or more widgets.

$Id: AbstractContainerWidget.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $

Field Summary
protected  ValidationError validationError
          validation errors on container widgets
protected  WidgetList widgets
          List of contained widgets.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.AbstractWidget
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.Widget
Constructor Summary
AbstractContainerWidget(AbstractContainerDefinition definition)
          Constructs AbstractContainerWidget
Method Summary
 void addChild(Widget widget)
          Adds a child widget.
 void generateItemSaxFragment(ContentHandler contentHandler, Locale locale)
          Subclass container widgets can call this super.generateItemSaxFragment(..)
 Widget getChild(String id)
          Concrete widgets that contain actual child widgets should override to return the actual child-widget.
 Iterator getChildren()
 int getSize()
 boolean hasChild(String id)
          Checks if there is a child widget with the given id.
 void initialize()
          Called after widget's environment has been setup, to allow for any contextual initalization such as looking up case widgets for union widgets.
 void readFromRequest(FormContext formContext)
          Delegates the readFromRequest() down to the contained child-widgets.
 boolean validate()
          Delegates the validate() down to the contained child-widgets, and validates the extra rules on this containment level regardless of children widget's validities.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.AbstractWidget
addValidator, broadcastEvent, generateDisplayData, generateLabel, generateSaxFragment, getAttribute, getCombinedState, getDefinition, getForm, getFullName, getId, getLocation, getName, getParent, getRequestParameterName, getState, getValue, getWidget, getXMLElementAttributes, getXMLElementName, isRequired, isValid, lookupWidget, removeAttribute, removeValidator, setAttribute, setParent, setState, setValue, toString, widgetNameChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.Widget
addValidator, broadcastEvent, generateLabel, generateSaxFragment, getAttribute, getCombinedState, getDefinition, getForm, getFullName, getId, getLocation, getName, getParent, getRequestParameterName, getState, getValue, getWidget, isRequired, isValid, lookupWidget, removeAttribute, removeValidator, setAttribute, setParent, setState, setValue

Field Detail


protected WidgetList widgets
List of contained widgets.


protected ValidationError validationError
validation errors on container widgets

Constructor Detail


public AbstractContainerWidget(AbstractContainerDefinition definition)
Constructs AbstractContainerWidget

Method Detail


public void initialize()
Called after widget's environment has been setup, to allow for any contextual initalization such as looking up case widgets for union widgets.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Widget
initialize in class AbstractWidget


public void addChild(Widget widget)
Description copied from interface: ContainerWidget
Adds a child widget.

Specified by:
addChild in interface ContainerWidget


public boolean hasChild(String id)
Description copied from interface: ContainerWidget
Checks if there is a child widget with the given id.

Specified by:
hasChild in interface ContainerWidget


public Widget getChild(String id)
Description copied from class: AbstractWidget
Concrete widgets that contain actual child widgets should override to return the actual child-widget.

Specified by:
getChild in interface ContainerWidget
getChild in class AbstractWidget
id - of the child-widget
null if not overriden.


public Iterator getChildren()
Specified by:
getChildren in interface ContainerWidget
an iterator over the widgets this object contains


public int getSize()


public void readFromRequest(FormContext formContext)
Delegates the readFromRequest() down to the contained child-widgets. When overriding one should call super.readFromRequest() to allow child-widgets to process the request. Overide only to add possible request-reading statements on the containment level.

Specified by:
readFromRequest in interface Widget
formContext - to be passed to the Widget.readFromRequest(FormContext) of the contained widgets.


public boolean validate()
Delegates the validate() down to the contained child-widgets, and validates the extra rules on this containment level regardless of children widget's validities.

When overriding one should call super.validate() as the first statement to keep in sync with this behaviour.

Specified by:
validate in interface Widget
validate in class AbstractWidget
true only if all contained widgets are valid and the extra validation rules on this containment level are ok.
See Also:


public void generateItemSaxFragment(ContentHandler contentHandler,
                                    Locale locale)
                             throws SAXException
Subclass container widgets can call this super.generateItemSaxFragment(..) to just insert the child-widget content wrapped in a @lt;fi:widgets@gt;

generateItemSaxFragment in class AbstractWidget
contentHandler - where the SAX is sent to via Widget.generateSaxFragment(ContentHandler, Locale)
locale -

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