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Uses of Class org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.WidgetState (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Class

Packages that use WidgetState

Uses of WidgetState in org.apache.cocoon.forms.flow.javascript

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.forms.flow.javascript that return WidgetState
 WidgetState ScriptableWidget.jsGet_state()

Uses of WidgetState in org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel

Fields in org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel declared as WidgetState
static WidgetState WidgetState.ACTIVE
          Active state.
static WidgetState WidgetState.DISABLED
          Disabled state, value is displayed but user input is ignored.
static WidgetState WidgetState.INVISIBLE
          Invisible state.
static WidgetState WidgetState.OUTPUT
          Output state, value is displayed but user input is ignored.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel that return WidgetState
 WidgetState Widget.getCombinedState()
          Get the widget's combined state, which is the strictest of its own state and parent state.
 WidgetState AbstractWidget.getCombinedState()
 WidgetState Widget.getState()
          Get the widget's own state.
 WidgetState AbstractWidgetDefinition.getState()
 WidgetState AbstractWidget.getState()
static WidgetState WidgetState.stateForName(String name)
          Get a state given its name.
static WidgetState WidgetState.strictest(WidgetState one, WidgetState two)
          Determine the strictest of two states.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel with parameters of type WidgetState
 void Widget.setState(WidgetState state)
          Set the widget's own state.
 void AbstractWidgetDefinition.setState(WidgetState state)
 void AbstractWidget.setState(WidgetState state)
 boolean WidgetState.stricterThan(WidgetState other)
          Test if the current state is stricter than another one.
static WidgetState WidgetState.strictest(WidgetState one, WidgetState two)
          Determine the strictest of two states.

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