createBinding(Element config)
Builds the actual binding class based on its XML config.
doLoad(Widget frmModel,
org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
This unwraps the value from the model by removing the 2 prefix and suffix-chars
before setting it onto the model
Method signature and semantics complies to AbstractCustomBinding.doLoad(Widget, JXPathContext)
doSave(Widget frmModel,
org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
This wraps the value from the form between 2 prefix and suffix-chars
before saving to the model
Method signature and semantics complies to AbstractCustomBinding.doSave(Widget, JXPathContext)
public CustomValueWrapBinding(char prefix,
char suffix)
Method Detail
public void doLoad(Widget frmModel,
org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
throws BindingException
This unwraps the value from the model by removing the 2 prefix and suffix-chars
before setting it onto the model
Method signature and semantics complies to AbstractCustomBinding.doLoad(Widget, JXPathContext)