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Uses of Class org.apache.cocoon.mail.command.AbstractMailCommand (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractMailCommand

Uses of AbstractMailCommand in org.apache.cocoon.mail

Subclasses of AbstractMailCommand in org.apache.cocoon.mail
static class MailCommandManager.MailCatAttachmentMessageByIdCommand
          Retrieved a message part by its part id, specifying the message by id, put retrieved part as command result.
static class MailCommandManager.MailCatMessageByIdCommand
          Retrieved a message (envelope plus content) of a folder by its id, put retrieved message as command result.
static class MailCommandManager.MailCatMessageByUIDCommand
          Retrieved a message (envelope plus content) of a folder by its uid, put retrieved message as command result.
static class MailCommandManager.MailFolderCatCommand
          Retrieve folder, and put it as command result.
static class MailCommandManager.MailListFolderCommand
          List all subfolders of a folder, put all retrieved folders as command result.
static class MailCommandManager.MailListMessagesCommand
          Retrieved headers of all messages of a folder, put retrieved messages as command result.
static class MailCommandManager.MailRefreshFolderCommand
          Retrieve folder, and put it as command result.
static class MailCommandManager.MailSearchMessagesCommand
          Description of the Class

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.mail that return AbstractMailCommand
 AbstractMailCommand MailCommandBuilder.buildAbstractMailCommand(MailContext mailContext)
          Build a mail command.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.mail with parameters of type AbstractMailCommand
 List MailCommandManager.execute(AbstractMailCommand amfa)
          Description of the Method

Uses of AbstractMailCommand in org.apache.cocoon.mail.command

Subclasses of AbstractMailCommand in org.apache.cocoon.mail.command
 class MailCommands
          Execute a list of commands.

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