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AbstractCopletAdapter (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Class AbstractCopletAdapter

  extended by org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
      extended by org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplet.adapter.impl.AbstractCopletAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Component, LogEnabled, Serviceable, ThreadSafe, CopletAdapter
Direct Known Subclasses:
PortletAdapter, URICopletAdapter

public abstract class AbstractCopletAdapter
extends AbstractLogEnabled
implements CopletAdapter, ThreadSafe, Serviceable

This is the abstract base adapter to use pipelines as coplets


buffer Shall the content of the coplet be buffered? If a coplet is buffered, errors local to the coplet are caught and a not availability notice is delivered instead. Buffering does not cache responses for subsequent requests. boolean false
timeout Max time in seconds content delivery may take. After a timeout, a not availability notice is delivered. Setting a timeout automatically turns on buffering. int null

CVS $Id: AbstractCopletAdapter.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $
Carsten Ziegeler, Volker Schmitt

Field Summary
protected  ServiceManager manager
          The service manager
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplet.adapter.CopletAdapter
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void destroy(CopletInstanceData coplet)
          Destroy the coplet This method is invoked when a coplet instance will be destroyed For each coplet, this method is only invoked once.
protected  Object getConfiguration(CopletInstanceData coplet, String key)
          Get a configuration value First the coplet data is queried and if it doesn't provide an attribute with the given name, the coplet base data is used.
protected  Object getConfiguration(CopletInstanceData coplet, String key, Object defaultValue)
          Get a configuration value First the coplet data is queried and if it doesn't provide an attribute with the given name, the coplet base data is used.
 void init(CopletInstanceData coplet)
          Initialize the coplet This method is called immediately after a new instance is created.
 void login(CopletInstanceData coplet)
          User logs in to a coplet This method is invoked when a user logs in for each coplet instance of the user
 void logout(CopletInstanceData coplet)
          User logs out from a coplet This method is invoked when a user logs out for each coplet instance of this user.
protected  boolean renderErrorContent(CopletInstanceData coplet, ContentHandler handler, Exception error)
          Render the error content for a coplet
 void service(ServiceManager manager)
abstract  void streamContent(CopletInstanceData coplet, ContentHandler contentHandler)
          Implement this and not toSAX()
 void toSAX(CopletInstanceData coplet, ContentHandler contentHandler)
          This method streams the content of a coplet instance data.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
enableLogging, getLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ServiceManager manager
The service manager

Constructor Detail


public AbstractCopletAdapter()
Method Detail


public void service(ServiceManager manager)
             throws ServiceException
Specified by:
service in interface Serviceable


protected Object getConfiguration(CopletInstanceData coplet,
                                  String key)
Get a configuration value First the coplet data is queried and if it doesn't provide an attribute with the given name, the coplet base data is used.


protected Object getConfiguration(CopletInstanceData coplet,
                                  String key,
                                  Object defaultValue)
Get a configuration value First the coplet data is queried and if it doesn't provide an attribute with the given name, the coplet base data is used. If no value is found the default value is returned.


public abstract void streamContent(CopletInstanceData coplet,
                                   ContentHandler contentHandler)
                            throws SAXException
Implement this and not toSAX()



public void toSAX(CopletInstanceData coplet,
                  ContentHandler contentHandler)
           throws SAXException
This method streams the content of a coplet instance data. It handles buffering and timeout setting and calls streamContent(CopletInstanceData, ContentHandler) for creating the content.

Specified by:
toSAX in interface CopletAdapter
See Also:
CopletAdapter.toSAX(org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplet.CopletInstanceData, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler)


public void init(CopletInstanceData coplet)
Description copied from interface: CopletAdapter
Initialize the coplet This method is called immediately after a new instance is created. For each coplet, this method is only invoked once.

Specified by:
init in interface CopletAdapter
coplet - The coplet


public void destroy(CopletInstanceData coplet)
Description copied from interface: CopletAdapter
Destroy the coplet This method is invoked when a coplet instance will be destroyed For each coplet, this method is only invoked once.

Specified by:
destroy in interface CopletAdapter


public void login(CopletInstanceData coplet)
Description copied from interface: CopletAdapter
User logs in to a coplet This method is invoked when a user logs in for each coplet instance of the user

Specified by:
login in interface CopletAdapter


public void logout(CopletInstanceData coplet)
Description copied from interface: CopletAdapter
User logs out from a coplet This method is invoked when a user logs out for each coplet instance of this user.

Specified by:
logout in interface CopletAdapter


protected boolean renderErrorContent(CopletInstanceData coplet,
                                     ContentHandler handler,
                                     Exception error)
                              throws SAXException
Render the error content for a coplet

coplet - The coplet instance data
handler - The content handler
error - The exception that occured
True if the error content has been rendered, otherwise false

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