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Uses of Class org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplets.basket.ContentStore (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Class

Packages that use ContentStore

Uses of ContentStore in org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplets.basket

Subclasses of ContentStore in org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplets.basket
 class Basket
          This is a per user basket that has the duration of a session Make a subclass to add your specific functionality
 class Briefcase
          This is a per user basket that is persistent between sessions Make a subclass to add your specific functionality
 class Folder
          This is a per user basket that is persistent between sessions Make a subclass to add your specific functionality

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplets.basket that return ContentStore
protected  ContentStore BasketManagerImpl.loadContentStore(String type)
          Load a content store
protected  ContentStore BasketManagerImpl.loadContentStore(String type, String userId)
          Load the content store for a single user

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplets.basket with parameters of type ContentStore
protected  void BasketManagerImpl.saveContentStore(ContentStore store)
          Save the content store if it is a briefcase or a folder
protected  void BasketManagerImpl.saveContentStore(String type, ContentStore store)
          Save the content store for a single user
protected  BasketGenerator.StoreInfo BasketGenerator.toSAX(ContentStore store, LinkService linkService, ProfileManager profileManager)
 void BasketManagerImpl.update(ContentStore store)
 void BasketManager.update(ContentStore store)
          Update/save the content store

Uses of ContentStore in

Fields in declared as ContentStore
protected  ContentStore
protected  ContentStore
          The target store

Methods in that return ContentStore
 ContentStore ContentStoreEvent.getContentStore()
 ContentStore MoveItemEvent.getTarget()
          Return the target

Constructors in with parameters of type ContentStore
AddItemEvent(ContentStore store, Object item)
ContentStoreEvent(ContentStore store)
          This event is for a defined content store
MoveItemEvent(ContentStore store, Object item, ContentStore target)
RemoveItemEvent(ContentStore store, Object item)
ShowItemEvent(ContentStore store, Object item, Layout layout, String copletData)
UploadItemEvent(ContentStore store, List itemNames)

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