This class is used to implement a multipart request wrapper.
It will parse the http post stream and and fill it's hashtable with values.
The hashtable will contain:
Vector: inline part values
FilePart: file part
public MultipartParser(boolean saveUploadedFilesToDisk,
File uploadDirectory,
boolean allowOverwrite,
boolean silentlyRename,
int maxUploadSize,
String characterEncoding)
Constructor, parses given request
saveUploadedFilesToDisk - Write fileparts to the uploadDirectory. If true the corresponding object
in the hashtable will contain a FilePartFile, if false a FilePartArray
uploadDirectory - The directory to write to if saveUploadedFilesToDisk is true.
allowOverwrite - Allow existing files to be overwritten.
silentlyRename - If file exists rename file (using filename+number).
maxUploadSize - The maximum content length accepted.
characterEncoding - The character encoding to be used.