Interface Summary | |
Transformer |
Class Summary | |
AbstractDOMTransformer | An Abstract DOM Transformer, for use when a transformer needs a DOM-based view of the document. |
AbstractExtractionTransformer | This transformer sieves an incoming stream of xml and feeds a DOMBuilder with it. |
AbstractSAXTransformer | This class is the basis for all transformers. |
AbstractTransformer | |
AugmentTransformer | |
CachingCIncludeTransformer | Deprecated. This transformer violates the avalon/cocoon design principles. |
CIncludeTransformer | |
CleanupTransformer | Cleanup transformer: Removes excess whitespace while adding some where needed for legibility. |
DASLTransformer | This transformer performs DASL queries on DASL-enabled WebDAV servers. |
DeliTransformer | This Transformer is used to transform this incoming SAX stream using a XSLT stylesheet and have parameters available to the stylesheet augmented by the DELI CC/PP user-agent profile database This transformer extends the default TraxTransformer and thus inherits all the properties and configuration parameters of that transformer. |
EncodeURLTransformer | |
EncodeURLTransformer.ElementAttributeMatching | A helper class for matching element names, and attribute names. |
ExtendedParserTransformer | |
ExtendedParserTransformer.GrammarEntry | This class represent a entry in a store to cache the parser automaton. |
FilterTransformer | |
FragmentExtractorTransformer | The transformation half of the FragmentExtractor. |
HTMLTransformer | Converts (escaped) HTML snippets into JTidied HTML. |
I18nTransformer | |
IncludeTransformer | A simple transformer including resolvable sources (accessed through
Cocoon's SourceResolver ) from its input. |
JPathTransformer | |
JXTemplateTransformer | Deprecated. Replaced with the template block: JXTemplateTransformer . |
LDAPTransformer | The LDAPTransformer can be plugged into a pipeline to transform
the SAX events into queries and responses to/from a LDAP interface. |
LexicalTransformer | This transfomer transforms special mark text part of a XML file into lexemes by using a lexicon file. |
LexicalTransformer.LexicalAutomatonEntry | This class represent a entry in a store to cache the lexical automaton. |
LinkRewriterTransformer | Rewrites URIs in links to a value determined by an InputModule. |
LogTransformer | |
LuceneIndexTransformer | A lucene index creation transformer. |
NekoHTMLTransformer | Converts (escaped) HTML snippets into tidied HTML using the NekoHTML library. |
ParserTransformer | This transfomer transforms lexical tokens in a XML file into a XML hirachy by using a grammar file. |
ParserTransformer.ParserAutomatonEntry | This class represent a entry in a store to cache the parser automaton. |
PatternTransformer | This transfomer transforms text pattern of a XML file into lexemes by using a lexicon file. |
PatternTransformer.LexicalAutomatonEntry | This class represent a entry in a store to cache the lexical automaton. |
ReadDOMSessionTransformer | |
RoleFilterTransformer | |
ServiceableTransformer | This class can be used as a base class for own transformer implementations that need to lookup other components. |
SimpleFormInstanceExtractionTransformer | |
SimpleFormInstanceExtractionTransformer.ElementData | |
SimpleFormTransformer | |
SimpleFormTransformer.RepeaterStatus | Keep track of repeater status. |
SimpleFormTransformer.ValueList | Keep track of multiple values. |
SourcePropsWritingTransformer | This transformer allows you to set and remove properties on an InspectableSource. |
SourceWritingTransformer | |
SQLTransformer | The SQLTransformer can be plugged into a pipeline to transform
SAX events into updated or queries and responses to/from a SQL interface. |
StripNameSpacesTransformer | |
TagTransformer | Transformer which implements the taglib functionalty. |
TeeTransformer | |
TraxTransformer | |
ValidatingTransformer | The ValidatingTransformer provides a very simple Transformer
validating documents while being processed in a Cocoon pipeline. |
ValidationReportTransformer | The ValidationReportTransformer provides a Transformer
validating documents while being processed in a Cocoon pipeline, and preparing
a report of all detected inconsistancies according the specified schema. |
VariableRewriterTransformer | Rewrites URIs in links to a value determined by an InputModule. |
Web3RfcTransformer | TBD |
WebDAVTransformer | A general purpose, low level webdav transformer. |
WriteDOMSessionTransformer | |
XIncludeTransformer | |
XMLDBTransformer | This transformer allows to perform resource creation, deletion, and XUpdate command execution in XML:DB. |