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org.apache.cocoon.transformation (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Package org.apache.cocoon.transformation

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractDOMTransformer An Abstract DOM Transformer, for use when a transformer needs a DOM-based view of the document.
AbstractExtractionTransformer This transformer sieves an incoming stream of xml and feeds a DOMBuilder with it.
AbstractSAXTransformer This class is the basis for all transformers.
CachingCIncludeTransformer Deprecated. This transformer violates the avalon/cocoon design principles.
CleanupTransformer Cleanup transformer: Removes excess whitespace while adding some where needed for legibility.
DASLTransformer This transformer performs DASL queries on DASL-enabled WebDAV servers.
DeliTransformer This Transformer is used to transform this incoming SAX stream using a XSLT stylesheet and have parameters available to the stylesheet augmented by the DELI CC/PP user-agent profile database This transformer extends the default TraxTransformer and thus inherits all the properties and configuration parameters of that transformer.
EncodeURLTransformer.ElementAttributeMatching A helper class for matching element names, and attribute names.
ExtendedParserTransformer.GrammarEntry This class represent a entry in a store to cache the parser automaton.
FragmentExtractorTransformer The transformation half of the FragmentExtractor.
HTMLTransformer Converts (escaped) HTML snippets into JTidied HTML.
IncludeTransformer A simple transformer including resolvable sources (accessed through Cocoon's SourceResolver) from its input.
JXTemplateTransformer Deprecated. Replaced with the template block: JXTemplateTransformer.
LDAPTransformer The LDAPTransformer can be plugged into a pipeline to transform the SAX events into queries and responses to/from a LDAP interface.
LexicalTransformer This transfomer transforms special mark text part of a XML file into lexemes by using a lexicon file.
LexicalTransformer.LexicalAutomatonEntry This class represent a entry in a store to cache the lexical automaton.
LinkRewriterTransformer Rewrites URIs in links to a value determined by an InputModule.

A lucene index creation transformer.

NekoHTMLTransformer Converts (escaped) HTML snippets into tidied HTML using the NekoHTML library.
ParserTransformer This transfomer transforms lexical tokens in a XML file into a XML hirachy by using a grammar file.
ParserTransformer.ParserAutomatonEntry This class represent a entry in a store to cache the parser automaton.
PatternTransformer This transfomer transforms text pattern of a XML file into lexemes by using a lexicon file.
PatternTransformer.LexicalAutomatonEntry This class represent a entry in a store to cache the lexical automaton.
ServiceableTransformer This class can be used as a base class for own transformer implementations that need to lookup other components.
SimpleFormTransformer.RepeaterStatus Keep track of repeater status.
SimpleFormTransformer.ValueList Keep track of multiple values.
SourcePropsWritingTransformer This transformer allows you to set and remove properties on an InspectableSource.
SQLTransformer The SQLTransformer can be plugged into a pipeline to transform SAX events into updated or queries and responses to/from a SQL interface.
TagTransformer Transformer which implements the taglib functionalty.
ValidatingTransformer The ValidatingTransformer provides a very simple Transformer validating documents while being processed in a Cocoon pipeline.
ValidationReportTransformer The ValidationReportTransformer provides a Transformer validating documents while being processed in a Cocoon pipeline, and preparing a report of all detected inconsistancies according the specified schema.
VariableRewriterTransformer Rewrites URIs in links to a value determined by an InputModule.
Web3RfcTransformer TBD
WebDAVTransformer A general purpose, low level webdav transformer.
XMLDBTransformer This transformer allows to perform resource creation, deletion, and XUpdate command execution in XML:DB.

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