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XMLCocoonLogFormatter.CallStack (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])
Class XMLCocoonLogFormatter.CallStack
Enclosing class: XMLCocoonLogFormatter
public static class XMLCocoonLogFormatter.CallStack extends SecurityManager
Hack to get the call stack as an array of classes. The
SecurityManager class provides it as a protected method, so
change it to public through a new method !
Method Summary
Class []
get ()
Returns the current execution stack as an array of classes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.SecurityManager
checkAccept , checkAccess , checkAccess , checkAwtEventQueueAccess , checkConnect , checkConnect , checkCreateClassLoader , checkDelete , checkExec , checkExit , checkLink , checkListen , checkMemberAccess , checkMulticast , checkMulticast , checkPackageAccess , checkPackageDefinition , checkPermission , checkPermission , checkPrintJobAccess , checkPropertiesAccess , checkPropertyAccess , checkRead , checkRead , checkRead , checkSecurityAccess , checkSetFactory , checkSystemClipboardAccess , checkTopLevelWindow , checkWrite , checkWrite , classDepth , classLoaderDepth , currentClassLoader , currentLoadedClass , getClassContext , getInCheck , getSecurityContext , getThreadGroup , inClass , inClassLoader
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait
public XMLCocoonLogFormatter.CallStack ()
public Class [] get ()
Returns the current execution stack as an array of classes.
The length of the array is the number of methods on the execution
stack. The element at index 0 is the class of the currently executing
method, the element at index 1 is the class of that method's caller,
and so on.
Returns: current execution stack as an array of classes.
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