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org.apache.cocoon.util (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Package org.apache.cocoon.util

Interface Summary
Settings This object holds the property settings for Cocoon.

Class Summary
BlobHelper A minimal implementation just enough to send a BLOB to a database.
BufferedOutputStream This class is similar to the BufferedOutputStream.
ClassUtils A collection of class management utility methods.
ClobHelper A minimal implementation just enough to send a CLOB to a database.
ConfigurationUtil This class is an improved version of the Excalibur ConfigurationUtil class to support namespaces in DOMs.
Deprecation This class provides a special static "deprecation" logger.
EnumerationFactory A factory for the creation of enumeration types (missing in Java).
HashMap Extended Version of HashMap.
HashUtil A very efficient java hash algorithm, based on the BuzHash algoritm by Robert Uzgalis (see for more information).
IOUtils A collection of File, URL and filename utility methods
JavaArchiveFilter Deprecated. Will be removed in Cocoon 2.2
JDBCTypeConversions Provide some utility methods to read from JDBC result sets or store them to JDBC statements.
JDBCxlobHelper Helper to pass a length plus an InputStream to JDBCTypeConversions to insert BLOB (setBinaryStream) or CLOB (setAsciiStream) via data using org.apache.cocoon.acting.modular.DatabaseAction.
MIMEUtils A collection of File, URL and filename utility methods.
MRUBucketMap Deprecated. Will be removed in Cocoon 2.2
NetUtils A collection of File, URL and filename utility methods
PostInputStream The class PostInputStream is a wrapper for InputStream associated with POST message.
PropertySettings This object holds the property settings for Cocoon.
RequestForwardingHttpMethod This is a generic and externally configurable method, to forward any Request to a server.
ResizableContainer Add-only Container class.
SettingsHelper Helper class to create Stettings and for replacing property references with the value of the property
SimpleSourceResolver A minimalist SourceResolver that handles a fixed restricted number of protocols.
StringUtils A collection of String handling utility methods.
Tokenizer Deprecated. Use commons lang.
TraxErrorHandler This ErrorListener simply logs the exception and in case of an fatal-error the exception is rethrown.
WildcardMatcherHelper This class is an utility class that perform wildcard-patterns matching and isolation.

Exception Summary
DeprecationException An exception that indicates unauthorized use of a deprecated feature, or an attempt to use a old feature that has been removed.

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