Interface Datatype

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDatatype, BooleanType, DateType, DecimalType, EnumType, FloatType, IntegerType, LongType, StringType

public interface Datatype

A Datatype encapsulates the functionality for working with specific kinds of data like integers, deciamals or dates.

I provides:

Each datatype can be marked as an "arraytype". Currently, this only has an influence on the validate(Object, ExpressionContext) method, which should in that case be passed an array of objects. See also isArrayType().

$Id: Datatype.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $

Method Summary
 Object convertFromString(String value, Locale locale)
          Converts a string to an object of this datatype.
 String convertToString(Object value, Locale locale)
          Converts an object of this datatype to a string representation.
 DatatypeBuilder getBuilder()
          Returns the factory that built this datatype.
 Convertor getConvertor()
          Returns the convertor used by this datatype.
 String getDescriptiveName()
          Returns a descriptive name for the base type of this datatype, i.e. something like 'string', 'long', 'decimal', ...
 Convertor getPlainConvertor()
          Returns the "plain convertor".
 Class getTypeClass()
          Gets the class object for the type represented by this datatype.
 boolean isArrayType()
          Indicates wether this datatype represents an array type.
 ValidationError validate(Object value, org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext)
          Returns null if validation is successful, otherwise returns a ValidationError instance.

Method Detail


Object convertFromString(String value,
                         Locale locale)
Converts a string to an object of this datatype. Returns null if this fails. This method uses the same Convertor as returned by the getConvertor() method.


String convertToString(Object value,
                       Locale locale)
Converts an object of this datatype to a string representation. This method uses the same Convertor as returned by the getConvertor() method.


ValidationError validate(Object value,
                         org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext)
Returns null if validation is successful, otherwise returns a ValidationError instance.

value - an Object of the correct type for this datatype (see getTypeClass(), or if isArrayType() returns true, an array of objects of that type.


Class getTypeClass()
Gets the class object for the type represented by this datatype. E.g. Long, String, ... The objects returned from the convertFromString* methods are of this type, and the object passed to the convertToString* or validate methods should be of this type.


String getDescriptiveName()
Returns a descriptive name for the base type of this datatype, i.e. something like 'string', 'long', 'decimal', ...


boolean isArrayType()
Indicates wether this datatype represents an array type. This approach has been chosen instead of creating a seperate ArrayDatatype interface (and corresponding implementations), since almost all functionality is the same between the scalar and array types. The main difference is that the validate() method will be passed arrays instead of single values, and hence different validation rules will be required.


Convertor getConvertor()
Returns the convertor used by this datatype.


Convertor getPlainConvertor()
Returns the "plain convertor". This is convertor that should have a locale-independent string encoding, and guarantees perfect roundtripping. It is used if a value of this datatype needs to be stored but not displayed to the user.


DatatypeBuilder getBuilder()
Returns the factory that built this datatype.

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