The form itself is not really a widget, but we include its reference documentation here nonetheless.
<fd:form id="..." state="..."> <fd:widgets> [...] </fd:widgets> <fd:validation> [...] </fd:validation> <fd:on-create> [...] </fd:on-create> <fd:attributes> <fd:attribute name="..." value="..."/> </fd:attributes> </fd:form>
The widgets contained by the form are defined inside the fd:widgets element. For an explanation of the other elements and attributes, see the field widget. Specifying an id for the form is optional.
A form is inserted into a template by use of the ft:form-template tag:
<ft:form-template> [...] </ft:form-template>
You can add the usual HTML form attributes such as action and method on the ft:form-tempate, they will be replicated in the output.
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