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  Cocoon Core

Cocoon Core 2.2

SitemapModelComponent Contracts

The SitemapModelComponent

The SitemapModelComponent identifies the contract between the Sitemap and your pipeline components that create or transform information. The types of components that fit within this umbrella are your Generators, Transformers, and your Readers. It is very important to note that all components implementing this interface must be pooled or created on demand. This is due to the separation between the setup and the execution. If you don't ensure every instance of the component is unique within a pipeline, or across pipelines, then the setup process will start killing all the other setups and you will end up with serious race conditions. It's not that they need synchronized keywords applied to the methods, its that the methods have to be called in a certain order. This is by design. If you really think about it, due to the SAX infrastructure we would still need to keep them synchronized because the order of SAX events affects the validity of your XML document.


The Sitemap will call the setup() method to prepare the component for use. This is where you start the process of getting your information ready to generate your results. The Sitemap provides the following information:

  • SourceResolver--to find resources within your context.
  • Object Model--a java.util.Map that contains the request and session information.
  • Source--the value of the "src" attribute in the sitemap.
  • Parameters--the sitemap parameters passed into your component.
The setup method can throw one of three different types of exceptions which would abort the processing of the pipeline. These exceptions are:
  • ProcessingException--the preferred type of exception. Essentially wrap anything with one of these.
  • SAXException--a problem reading an XML document will generate one of these.
  • IOException--when you can't find a file or there is a problem with the filesystem.

Finding Resources

The SourceResolver passed into your SitemapModelComponent is used to find other resources. It will behave with the same properties as your sitemap. So if you are in a mounted sitemap handling a certain segment of requests, any relative URLs resolved by the SourceResolver will be relative to that sitemap. However, the real fun comes with the types of requests we can make. Cocoon understands several different protocols, including embedding a call to another pipeline within your generated document.
Note: TODO: details of working with the SourceResolver

Working with the Object Model

The object model that your component gets to use is essentially a java.util.Map. So how do we find what we need to get our job done? After all a key for a Java Map is just an Object--it could be anything. Thankfully, Cocoon provides a class to help you find your information: org.apache.cocoon.environment.ObjectModelHelper. You will be able to find the Cocoon Context, Request, and Response objects.The Context and Request objects are simplified forms of the ServletContext and ServletRequest objects--however they do allow Cocoon to be invoked from the command line as well. The Response object follows the same vein, and does not provide any access to the output stream. That is because it is only the responsibility of a SitemapOutputComponent to send the results down the output stream. So why provide access to the Response object at all? It is for two reasons: so that you can add or modify response headers before the pipeline is executed, or that you can signal a redirect.

The Source

The source provided by the Sitemap is the value of the attribute "src" in the sitemap. For example:
<map:transformer type="custom" src="{1}.xsl"/>
Will resolve the name based on the substitution values and then pass the resolved name to the component. Let's say we matched on the pattern "status/*" with the url "status/printfriendly". The Sitemap will resolve the source to "printfriendly.xsl" using the definition above. The source is not necessary all the time, although you may find it much more convenient than retrieving information from a request object or the parameters.

Working with the Parameters

The parameters object allows you to pull information in much the same way as you would in the sitemap. The org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters object is the same as the one from the Excalibur project, and you have the same interface there.
Note: You can get parent parameters using paths in the name. For example, getParameter("../mrn") will get the "mrn" value from a parent Parameters object.

The parameters are set in the sitemap using the <map:parameter name="foo" value="bar"/> to set the parameter "foo" with the value "bar". An example would look like this:

<map:generator type="myspecialgen" src="foo">
  <!-- these parameters are passed in -->
  <map:parameter name="foo" value="bar"/>
  <map:parameter name="nav" value="{request:bar}"/>

Sometimes you may find some weirdness with parameters if you are setting some values in flowscript and expecting to see them in your generator. In that case you may find it much more convenient to pass values within the Request attributes.