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ProfilingIdGenerator (Apache Cocoon 3: Parent 3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT API)
Interface ProfilingIdGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfilingIdGenerator

The ProfilingIdGenerator has to work thread dependent. So the id generated by create() should only be retrievable by calls to getCurrent() and removable by calls to remove() from the same thread. The id for one thread has to be equal for all calls to getCurrent() between an initial call to create() and a call to remove(). Ids should be unique within a reasonable amount of time.

Method Summary
 String create()
          Creates and returns a new id for the current thread.
 String getCurrent()
          Get the current id for the current thread.
 void remove()
          Discard the id for the current thread.

Method Detail


String create()
Creates and returns a new id for the current thread.

the newly created id.


String getCurrent()
Get the current id for the current thread.

the current id for the current thread, or null if none has been created or remove was called.


void remove()
Discard the id for the current thread.

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