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AbstractValidatorAction (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Class AbstractValidatorAction

  extended by org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
      extended by org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractAction
          extended by org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractConfigurableAction
              extended by org.apache.cocoon.acting.ConfigurableServiceableAction
                  extended by org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractComplementaryConfigurableAction
                      extended by org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractValidatorAction
All Implemented Interfaces:
Component, Configurable, LogEnabled, Serviceable, Action
Direct Known Subclasses:
FormValidatorAction, SessionValidatorAction

public abstract class AbstractValidatorAction
extends AbstractComplementaryConfigurableAction

Abstract implementation of action that needs to perform validation of parameters (from session, from request, etc.). All `validator' actions share the same description xml file. In such file every parameter is described via its name, type and its constraints. One large description file can be used among all validator actions, because each action should explicitely specify which parameters to validate - through a sitemap parameter.

Variant 1

 <map:act type="validator">
         <parameter name="descriptor" value="context://descriptor.xml">
         <parameter name="validate" value="username,password">

The list of parameters to be validated is specified as a comma separated list of their names. descriptor.xml can therefore be used among many various actions. If the list contains only of *, all parameters in the file will be validated.

Variant 2

 <map:act type="validator">
         <parameter name="descriptor" value="context://descriptor.xml">
         <parameter name="constraint-set" value="is-logged-in">

The parameter "constraint-set" tells to take a given "constraint-set" from description file and test all parameters against given criteria. This variant is more powerful, more aspect oriented and more flexibile than the previous one, because it allows comparsion constructs, etc. See AbstractValidatorAction documentation.

For even more powerful validation, constraints can be grouped and used independently of the parameter name. If a validate element has a rule attribute, it uses the parameter with that name as a rule template and validates the parameter from the name attribute with that rule.

This action returns null when validation fails, otherwise it provides all validated parameters to the sitemap via {name} expression.

In addition a request attribute org.apache.cocoon.acting.FormValidatorAction.results contains the validation results in both cases and make it available to XSPs. The special parameter "*" contains either the validation result "OK", if all parameters were validated successfully, or "ERROR" otherwise. Mind you that redirections create new request objects and thus the result is not available for the target page.

         <parameter name="username" type="string" nullable="no"/>
         <parameter name="role" type="string" nullable="no"/>
         <parameter name="oldpassword" type="string" nullable="no"/>
         <parameter name="newpassword" type="string" nullable="no"/>
         <parameter name="renewpassword" type="string" nullable="no"/>
         <parameter name="id" type="long" nullable="no"/>
         <parameter name="sallary" type="double" nullable="no"/>
         <parameter name="theme" type="string" nullable="yes" default="dflt"/>
         <constraint-set name="is-logged-in">
                 <validate name="username"/>
                 <validate name="role"/>

         <constraint-set name="is-in-admin-role">
                 <validate name="username"/>
                 <validate name="role" equals-to="admin"/>

         <constraint-set name="new-passwords-match">
                 <validate name="oldpassword"/>
                 <validate name="newpassword"/>
                 <validate name="renewpassword"

         <constraint-set name="all">
                 <include name="is-logged-in"/>
                 <include name="is-in-admin-role"/>
                 <include name="new-passwords-match"/>

The types recognized by validator and their attributes

stringnullable="yes|no" default="str"
longnullable="yes|no" default="123123"
doublenullable="yes|no" default="0.5"

Default value takes place only when specified parameter is nullable and really is null or empty. Long numbers may be specified in decimal, hex or octal values as accepted by java.Lang.decode (String s).


matches-regexPOSIX regular expression
min-lenpositive integer
max-lenpositive integer
minDouble / Long
maxDouble / Long

Constraints can be defined globally for a parameter and can be overridden by redefinition in a constraint-set. Thus if e.g. a database field can take at maximum 200 character, this property can be set globally.

Values in parameter arrays are validated individually and the worst error is reported back.

The attributes recognized in "constraint-set"

equals-to-paramparameter name
equals-tostring constant

CVS $Id: AbstractValidatorAction.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $
Martin Man, Christian Haul

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.acting.ConfigurableServiceableAction
Fields inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractConfigurableAction
Fields inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractAction
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.acting.Action
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Map act(Redirector redirector, SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters parameters)
          Controls the processing against some values of the Dictionary objectModel and returns a Map object with values used in subsequent sitemap substitution patterns.
protected abstract  HashMap createMapOfParameters(Map objectModel, Collection set)
          Reads parameter values for all parameters that are contained in the active constraint list.
protected  Configuration getDescriptor(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
          Load the descriptor containing the constraints.
protected  Collection getSetOfParameterNamesFromSitemap(String valstr, Map desc)
          Get list of params to be validated from sitemap parameter and isolates the parameter names from the comma separated list.
protected  Map indexConfiguration(Configuration[] descriptor)
          Create an index map to an array of configurations by their name attribute.
protected  boolean isDescriptorReloadable()
          Checks the default setting for reloading the descriptor file.
protected  Collection resolveConstraints(String valsetstr, Map consets)
          Recursively resolve constraint sets that may "include" other constraint sets and return a collection of all parameters to validate.
protected  Map setResult(Map objectModel, Map actionMap, Map resultMap, boolean allOK)
          Add success indicator to resulting maps and clear actionMap if unsuccessful.
 ValidatorActionHelper validateParameter(String name, Configuration constraints, Map conf, Map params, boolean isString)
          Try to validate given parameter.
 ValidatorActionHelper validateParameter(String name, String rule, Configuration constraints, Map conf, Map params, boolean isString)
          Try to validate given parameter.
protected  boolean validateSetOfParameters(Map desc, Map actionMap, Map resultMap, Collection set, Map params, boolean isString)
          Validate all parameters in the set with the constraints contained in desc and the values from params.
protected  ValidatorActionHelper validateValue(String name, Configuration constraints, Configuration conf, Map params, boolean isString, String type)
          Validate a single parameter value.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractComplementaryConfigurableAction
getConfiguration, getConfiguration, getConfiguration
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.acting.ConfigurableServiceableAction
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractConfigurableAction
Methods inherited from class org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
enableLogging, getLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractValidatorAction()
Method Detail


protected abstract HashMap createMapOfParameters(Map objectModel,
                                                 Collection set)
Reads parameter values for all parameters that are contained in the active constraint list. If a parameter has multiple values, all are stored in the resulting map.

objectModel - the object model
set - a collection of parameter names


public Map act(Redirector redirector,
               SourceResolver resolver,
               Map objectModel,
               String src,
               Parameters parameters)
        throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Action
Controls the processing against some values of the Dictionary objectModel and returns a Map object with values used in subsequent sitemap substitution patterns. NOTE: This interface is designed so that implentations can be ThreadSafe. When an action is ThreadSafe, only one instance serves all requests : this reduces memory usage and avoids pooling.

resolver - The SourceResolver in charge
objectModel - The Map with object of the calling environment which can be used to select values this controller may need (ie Request, Response).
src - A source String to the Action
parameters - The Parameters for this invocation
Map The returned Map object with sitemap substitution values which can be used in subsequent elements attributes like src= using a xpath like expression: src="mydir/{myval}/foo" If the return value is null the processing inside the element of the sitemap will be skipped.
Exception - Indicates something is totally wrong


public ValidatorActionHelper validateParameter(String name,
                                               Configuration constraints,
                                               Map conf,
                                               Map params,
                                               boolean isString)
Try to validate given parameter.

name - The name of the parameter to validate.
constraints - Configuration of all constraints for this parameter as taken from the description XML file.
conf - Configuration of all parameters as taken from the description XML file.
params - The map of parameters.
isString - Indicates wheter given param to validate is string (as taken from HTTP request for example) or wheteher it should be regular instance of java.lang.Double, java.lang.Long, etc.
The validated parameter.


public ValidatorActionHelper validateParameter(String name,
                                               String rule,
                                               Configuration constraints,
                                               Map conf,
                                               Map params,
                                               boolean isString)
Try to validate given parameter.

name - The actual name of the parameter to validate.
rule - The name of the parameter element that contains the rule that should be used for validation.
constraints - Configuration of all constraints for this parameter as taken from the description XML file.
conf - Configuration of all parameters as taken from the description XML file.
params - The map of parameters.
isString - Indicates wheter given param to validate is string (as taken from HTTP request for example) or wheteher it should be regular instance of java.lang.Double, java.lang.Long, etc.
The validated parameter.


protected ValidatorActionHelper validateValue(String name,
                                              Configuration constraints,
                                              Configuration conf,
                                              Map params,
                                              boolean isString,
                                              String type)
Validate a single parameter value.

name - String holding the name of the parameter
constraints - Configuration holding the constraint set configuration for the parameter
conf - Configuration holding the parameter configuration
params - Map of parameter values to be validated
isString - boolean indicating if the value is string encoded
type - string holding the name of the datatype to validate value


protected Map indexConfiguration(Configuration[] descriptor)
Create an index map to an array of configurations by their name attribute. An empty array results in an empty map.

descriptor -
index map or empty map


protected Collection resolveConstraints(String valsetstr,
                                        Map consets)
Recursively resolve constraint sets that may "include" other constraint sets and return a collection of all parameters to validate.

valsetstr -
consets -
collection of all parameters to validate


protected boolean isDescriptorReloadable()
Checks the default setting for reloading the descriptor file.



protected Collection getSetOfParameterNamesFromSitemap(String valstr,
                                                       Map desc)
Get list of params to be validated from sitemap parameter and isolates the parameter names from the comma separated list.


protected boolean validateSetOfParameters(Map desc,
                                          Map actionMap,
                                          Map resultMap,
                                          Collection set,
                                          Map params,
                                          boolean isString)
Validate all parameters in the set with the constraints contained in desc and the values from params. Validation details are in resultMap and successful validated parameters in resultMap.

desc -
actionMap -
resultMap -
set -
params -
isString -
boolean all parameters ok or not


protected Map setResult(Map objectModel,
                        Map actionMap,
                        Map resultMap,
                        boolean allOK)
Add success indicator to resulting maps and clear actionMap if unsuccessful. Results are stored as request attributes.

objectModel - the object model
actionMap - a Map containing validated parameters
resultMap - a Map containing validation results
allOK - a boolean indicating if all validations were successful
actionMap if allOK or null otherwise


protected Configuration getDescriptor(SourceResolver resolver,
                                      Map objectModel,
                                      Parameters parameters)
Load the descriptor containing the constraints.

resolver -
parameters -
a Configuration containing the constraints or null if a problem occurred.

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