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org.apache.cocoon.caching (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Package org.apache.cocoon.caching

Interface Summary
Cache This is the Cocoon cache.
Cacheable Deprecated. by the CacheableProcessingComponent interface
CacheableProcessingComponent This marker interface declares a (sitemap) component as cacheable.
CacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
EventAware Defines the simple contract for components that need to receive notification of cache Events.
EventRegistry The EventRegistry is responsible for the two-way many-to-many mapping between cache Events and PipelineCacheKeys necessary to allow for efficient event-based cache invalidation.

Class Summary
AggregatedCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
CachedEventObject Deprecated. by the CachedResponse
CachedResponse This is a cached response.
CachedStreamObject Deprecated. by the CachedResponse
CacheValidityToSourceValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
CachingOutputStream This is an OutputStream which forwards all received bytes to another output stream and in addition caches all bytes, thus acting like a TeeOutputStream.
ComponentCacheKey This is the cache key for one sitemap component.
CompositeCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
DeltaTimeCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
IdentifierCacheKey This is a "simple" cache key that does not consider the components used in the pipeline.
IncludeCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
NOPCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
ParametersCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
PipelineCacheKey This is the cache key for one pipeline (or the first part of a pipeline).
SourceCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead
TimeStampCacheValidity Deprecated. Use the Avalon Excalibur SourceValidity implementations instead

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