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AbstractSerializer (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Class AbstractSerializer

  extended by org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
      extended by org.apache.cocoon.xml.AbstractXMLProducer
          extended by org.apache.cocoon.xml.AbstractXMLPipe
              extended by org.apache.cocoon.serialization.AbstractSerializer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Poolable, Recyclable, Component, LogEnabled, Serializer, SitemapOutputComponent, XMLPipe, XMLProducer, XMLConsumer, ContentHandler, LexicalHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractTextSerializer, FOPSerializer, iTextSerializer, SWFSerializer, XMidiSerializer, ZipArchiveSerializer

public abstract class AbstractSerializer
extends AbstractXMLPipe
implements Serializer

CVS $Id: AbstractSerializer.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $
Pierpaolo Fumagalli (Apache Software Foundation), Stefano Mazzocchi

Field Summary
protected  OutputStream output
          The OutputStream used by this serializer.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.xml.AbstractXMLProducer
contentHandler, EMPTY_CONTENT_HANDLER, lexicalHandler, xmlConsumer
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.serialization.Serializer
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getMimeType()
          Get the mime-type of the output of this Serializer
 void recycle()
          Recycle serializer by removing references
 void setOutputStream(OutputStream out)
          Set the OutputStream where the requested resource should be serialized.
 boolean shouldSetContentLength()
          Test if the component wants to set the content length
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.xml.AbstractXMLPipe
characters, comment, endCDATA, endDocument, endDTD, endElement, endEntity, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startCDATA, startDocument, startDTD, startElement, startEntity, startPrefixMapping
Methods inherited from class org.apache.cocoon.xml.AbstractXMLProducer
setConsumer, setContentHandler, setLexicalHandler
Methods inherited from class org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled
enableLogging, getLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger, setupLogger
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler
comment, endCDATA, endDTD, endEntity, startCDATA, startDTD, startEntity
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.xml.XMLProducer

Field Detail


protected OutputStream output
The OutputStream used by this serializer.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractSerializer()
Method Detail


public void setOutputStream(OutputStream out)
                     throws IOException
Set the OutputStream where the requested resource should be serialized.

Specified by:
setOutputStream in interface SitemapOutputComponent


public String getMimeType()
Get the mime-type of the output of this Serializer

Specified by:
getMimeType in interface SitemapOutputComponent
See Also:
AbstractProcessingPipeline.setMimeTypeForSerializer(org.apache.cocoon.environment.Environment), AbstractProcessingPipeline.setMimeTypeForReader(org.apache.cocoon.environment.Environment)


public void recycle()
Recycle serializer by removing references

Specified by:
recycle in interface Recyclable
recycle in class AbstractXMLProducer


public boolean shouldSetContentLength()
Test if the component wants to set the content length

Specified by:
shouldSetContentLength in interface SitemapOutputComponent

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