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Attic page .
Serializer (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])
Interface Serializer
All Superinterfaces: Component , ContentHandler , LexicalHandler , SitemapOutputComponent , XMLConsumer
All Known Implementing Classes: AbstractSerializer , AbstractTextSerializer , ElementProcessorSerializer , EncodingSerializer , FOPSerializer , HSSFSerializer , HTMLSerializer , HTMLSerializer , IncludingHTMLSerializer , iTextSerializer , LinkSerializer , POIFSSerializer , RTFSerializer , SVGSerializer , SWFSerializer , TextSerializer , XHTMLSerializer , XMidiSerializer , XMLSerializer , XMLSerializer , ZipArchiveSerializer
public interface Serializer extends XMLConsumer , SitemapOutputComponent
A serializer is the last point of a pipeline. It "serializes" XML
arriving as SAX events into any binary format. Serializers can
additionally implement the SitemapModelComponent
interface to gain access to the resolver
, objectModel
or parameters
CVS $Id: Serializer.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $
Pierpaolo Fumagalli
(Apache Software Foundation)
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters , endDocument , endElement , endPrefixMapping , ignorableWhitespace , processingInstruction , setDocumentLocator , skippedEntity , startDocument , startElement , startPrefixMapping
static final String ROLE
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