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Uses of Class org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.PatternException (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Class

Packages that use PatternException
org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor Evaluation tree based implementation of the Processor interface  
org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap Implemention of the Sitemap language  

Uses of PatternException in org.apache.cocoon.ajax

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.ajax that throw PatternException
 Map AjaxRequestMatcher.match(String pattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)

Uses of PatternException in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor that throw PatternException
static Parameters MapStackResolver.buildParameters(Map expressions, List mapStack)
          Deprecated. Build a Parameters object from a Map of named ListOfMapResolvers and a list of Maps used for resolution.
static MapStackResolver MapStackResolver.getResolver(String expression)
          Deprecated. Get a resolver for a given expression.
abstract  String MapStackResolver.resolve(List mapStack)
          Deprecated. Resolve all {...} patterns using the values given in the list of maps.
static Map MapStackResolver.resolveMap(Map expressions, List mapStack)
          Deprecated. Resolve all values of a Map from a Map of named ListOfMapResolvers and a list of Maps used for resolution.

Uses of PatternException in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap that throw PatternException
static List CallFunctionNode.resolveList(List expressions, ComponentManager manager, InvokeContext context, Map objectModel)

Constructors in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap that throw PatternException
ActTypeNode(String type, VariableResolver source, String name, boolean inActionSet)
GenerateNode(String name, VariableResolver source)
MatchNode(String type, VariableResolver pattern, String name)
PreparableMatchNode(String type, String pattern, String name)
RedirectToURINode(VariableResolver uri, boolean createSession, boolean global, boolean permanent)
SelectNode(String name)
SwitchSelectNode(String name)
TransformNode(String name, VariableResolver source)

Uses of PatternException in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.variables

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.variables that throw PatternException
 void VariableExpressionTokenizer.TokenReciever.addToken(int type, String value)
          Reports parsed tokens.
static Map VariableResolver.buildMap(Map expressions, InvokeContext context, Map objectModel)
          Build a Map from a Map of named ListOfMapResolvers and a list of Maps used for resolution.
static Parameters VariableResolver.buildParameters(Map expressions, InvokeContext context, Map objectModel)
          Build a Parameters object from a Map of named VariableResolvers and a list of Maps used for resolution.
static VariableResolver VariableResolverFactory.getResolver(String expression, ComponentManager manager)
          Deprecated. use the version with ServiceManager
static VariableResolver VariableResolverFactory.getResolver(String expression, ServiceManager manager)
          Get a resolver for a given expression.
 String PreparedVariableResolver.resolve(InvokeContext context, Map objectModel)
abstract  String VariableResolver.resolve(InvokeContext context, Map objectModel)
          Resolve all {...} patterns using the values given in the list of maps and the object model.
 String VariableResolver.resolve(Map objectModel)
          Resolve all {...} patterns using the values given in the object model.
static void VariableExpressionTokenizer.tokenize(String expression, VariableExpressionTokenizer.TokenReciever reciever)
          Tokenizes specified expression.

Constructors in org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.variables that throw PatternException
PreparedVariableResolver(String expr, ComponentManager manager)
          Deprecated. use the version with ServiceManager
PreparedVariableResolver(String expr, ServiceManager manager)

Uses of PatternException in org.apache.cocoon.components.variables

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.components.variables that throw PatternException
protected  void PreparedVariableResolver.addModuleVariable(String moduleName, String variable)
 VariableResolver VariableResolverFactory.lookup(String expression)
          Get a resolver for a given expression.
 VariableResolver DefaultVariableResolverFactory.lookup(String expression)
          Get a resolver for a given expression.
 String VariableResolver.resolve()
          Resolve all {...} patterns .
 String PreparedVariableResolver.resolve()
 String NOPVariableResolver.resolve()

Constructors in org.apache.cocoon.components.variables that throw PatternException
PreparedVariableResolver(String expr, ServiceManager manager, Context context)

Uses of PatternException in org.apache.cocoon.matching

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.matching that throw PatternException
 Map MountTableMatcher.match(String pattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
 Map Matcher.match(String pattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
          Matches the pattern against some Request values and returns a Map object with replacements for wildcards contained in the pattern.
 Map CookieMatcher.match(String pattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
 Map AbstractWildcardMatcher.match(String pattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
          Match the prepared pattern against the result of AbstractWildcardMatcher.getMatchString(Map, Parameters).
 Map AbstractPreparableMatcher.match(String pattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
          Match the pattern by preparing it and matching the prepared pattern.
 Map LocaleMatcher.match(String pattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
 Map AbstractRegexpMatcher.preparedMatch(Object preparedPattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
          Match the prepared pattern against the value returned by AbstractRegexpMatcher.getMatchString(Map, Parameters).
 Map PreparableMatcher.preparedMatch(Object preparedPattern, Map objectModel, Parameters parameters)
          Matches the prepared pattern against some values in the object model (most often the Request) and returns a Map object with replacements for wildcards contained in the pattern.
 Object AbstractRegexpMatcher.preparePattern(String pattern)
          Compile the pattern in a org.apache.regexp.REProgram.
 Object PreparableMatcher.preparePattern(String pattern)
          Prepares a pattern in a form that allows faster match.

Uses of PatternException in org.apache.cocoon.transformation

Constructors in org.apache.cocoon.transformation that throw PatternException
I18nTransformer.CatalogueInfo(String name, String[] locations)

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