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Uses of Interface org.apache.cocoon.util.Settings (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Settings

Uses of Settings in org.apache.cocoon.components

Constructors in org.apache.cocoon.components with parameters of type Settings
PropertyAwareConfiguration(Configuration config, boolean deepCopy, Settings settings, Logger logger)
          Copy constructor, to create a clone of another configuration.
PropertyAwareConfiguration(Configuration config, Settings settings, Logger logger)
          Shallow copy constructor, suitable for craeting a writable clone of a read-only configuration.
PropertyAwareConfiguration(DefaultConfiguration config, Settings settings, Logger logger)
          Create a new DefaultConfiguration instance.
PropertyAwareConfiguration(String name, Settings settings, Logger logger)
          Create a new DefaultConfiguration instance.
PropertyAwareConfiguration(String name, String location, Settings settings, Logger logger)
          Create a new DefaultConfiguration instance.
PropertyAwareConfiguration(String name, String location, String ns, String prefix, Settings settings, Logger logger)
          Create a new DefaultConfiguration instance.
PropertyAwareNamespacedSAXConfigurationHandler(Settings settings, Logger logger)
PropertyAwareSAXConfigurationHandler(Settings settings, Logger logger)

Uses of Settings in org.apache.cocoon.util

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.util that implement Settings
 class PropertySettings
          This object holds the property settings for Cocoon.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.util that return Settings
static Settings SettingsHelper.getSettings(Context context)
          Return the Settings object

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.util with parameters of type Settings
static String SettingsHelper.replace(String value, Settings settings, Logger logger)
          Replace all property references in the string with the current value and return it.

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