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Uses of Class org.apache.cocoon.woody.binding.BindingException (Cocoon API 2.1.12-dev [March 20 2012])

Uses of Class

Packages that use BindingException

Uses of BindingException in org.apache.cocoon.woody.binding

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.woody.binding that throw BindingException
 JXPathBindingBase CaseJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase DeleteNodeJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of DeleteNodeJXPathBinding.
 JXPathBindingBase NewJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase SimpleRepeaterJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElem, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase ValueJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of ValueJXPathBinding based on the attributes and nested configuration of the provided bindingElm.
 JXPathBindingBase ClassJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase UniqueFieldJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of UniqueFieldJXPathBinding based on the attributes and nested configuration of the provided bindingElm.
 JXPathBindingBase AggregateJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase SetAttributeJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of SetAttributeJXPathBinding according to the attributes of the provided bindingElm.
 JXPathBindingBase JavaScriptJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element element, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase StructJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase MultiValueJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElem, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase InsertBeanJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of InsertBeanJXPathBinding configured with the nested template of the bindingElm.
 JXPathBindingBase TempRepeaterJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElem, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
 JXPathBindingBase UnionJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
abstract  JXPathBindingBase JXPathBindingBuilderBase.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Builds a configured binding object based on the configuration as described in the bindingElement.
 JXPathBindingBase ContextJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of ContextJXPathBinding with the configured path and nested child bindings from the declarations in the bindingElm
 JXPathBindingBase InsertNodeJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of InsertNodeJXPathBinding configured with the nested template of the bindingElm.
 JXPathBindingBase RepeaterJXPathBindingBuilder.buildBinding(Element bindingElm, JXPathBindingManager.Assistant assistant)
          Creates an instance of RepeaterJXPathBinding according to the attributes and nested comfiguration elements of the bindingElm.
 Binding JXPathBindingManager.createBinding(Source source)
 Binding BindingManager.createBinding(Source bindingFile)
          Creates a binding from the XML config found at source parameter.
 void TempRepeaterJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jctx)
 void AggregateJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void NewJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void ContextJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the ObjectModel wrapped in a jxpath context to the Woody-form.
 void RepeaterJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Binds the unique-id of the repeated rows, and narrows the context on objectModelContext and Repeater to the repeated rows before handing over to the actual binding-children.
 void StructJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void ComposedJXPathBindingBase.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the ObjectModel to the Woody-form by passing the task onto it's children.
 void MultiValueJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jctx)
 void UniqueFieldJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the ObjectModel wrapped in a jxpath context to the Woody-form-widget specified in this object.
 void CaseJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void ValueJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the ObjectModel wrapped in a jxpath context to the Woody-form-widget specified in this object.
abstract  void JXPathBindingBase.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Performs the actual load binding regardless of the configured value of the "direction" attribute.
 void UnionJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void SimpleRepeaterJXPathBinding.doLoad(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jctx)
 void InsertBeanJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Registers a JXPath Factory on the JXPath Context.
 void TempRepeaterJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jctx)
 void AggregateJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void NewJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void ContextJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the Woody-form to the ObjectModel wrapped in a jxpath context.
 void RepeaterJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Uses the mapped unique-id of each row to detect if rows have been updated, inserted or removed.
 void StructJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void ComposedJXPathBindingBase.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the Woody-form to the ObjectModel by passing the task onto it's children.
 void ClassJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void MultiValueJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jctx)
 void UniqueFieldJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the Woody-form to the ObjectModel wrapped in a jxpath context
 void CaseJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void JavaScriptJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jctx)
 void ValueJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Actively performs the binding from the Woody-form to the ObjectModel wrapped in a jxpath context
abstract  void JXPathBindingBase.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Performs the actual save binding regardless of the configured value of the "direction" attribute.
 void UnionJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
 void SimpleRepeaterJXPathBinding.doSave(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jctx)
 JXPathBindingBase JXPathBindingManager.Assistant.getBindingForConfigurationElement(Element configElm)
          Creates a Bindingfollowing the specification in the provided config element.
 void JXPathBindingBase.loadFormFromModel(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Redefines the Binding action as working on a JXPathContext Type rather then on generic objects.
 void JXPathBindingBase.loadFormFromModel(Widget frmModel, Object objModel)
          Hooks up with the more generic Binding of any objectModel by wrapping it up in a JXPathContext object and then transfering control over to the new overloaded version of this method.
 void Binding.loadFormFromModel(Widget frmModel, Object objModel)
          Loads the information-elements from the objModel to the frmModel.
 JXPathBindingBase[] JXPathBindingManager.Assistant.makeChildBindings(Element parentElement)
          Makes an array of childBindings for the child-elements of the provided configuration element.
 void JXPathBindingBase.saveFormToModel(Widget frmModel, org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext jxpc)
          Redefines the Binding action as working on a JXPathContext Type rather then on generic objects.
 void JXPathBindingBase.saveFormToModel(Widget frmModel, Object objModel)
          Hooks up with the more generic Binding of any objectModel by wrapping it up in a JXPathContext object and then transfering control over to the new overloaded version of this method.
 void Binding.saveFormToModel(Widget frmModel, Object objModel)
          Saves the infortmation-elements to the objModel from the frmModel.

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