Class AbstractValidationRule

  extended by org.apache.cocoon.woody.datatype.validationruleimpl.AbstractValidationRule
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssertValidationRule, EmailValidationRule, LengthValidationRule, Mod10ValidationRule, RangeValidationRule, RegExpValidationRule, ValueCountValidationRule

public abstract class AbstractValidationRule
extends Object
implements ValidationRule

Abstract base class providing common functionality for many ValidationRule implementations.

$Id: AbstractValidationRule.html 1304258 2012-03-23 10:09:27Z ilgrosso $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  Object evaluateComparable(org.outerj.expression.Expression expression, org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext, String exprName, String ruleName)
          Helper method for evaluating expressions whose result is comparable.
protected  Object evaluateNumeric(org.outerj.expression.Expression expression, org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext, String exprName, String ruleName)
          Helper method for evaluating expressions whose result is numeric.
 ValidationError getFailMessage()
          Returns the failMessage wrapped in a ValidationError object.
 boolean hasFailMessage()
          Returns true if this validation rule has a user-defined fail message.
 void setFailMessage(XMLizable object)
          Sets the failmessage to use for this validation rule, this will be used instead of the validation rules' built-in message.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.woody.datatype.ValidationRule
supportsType, validate

Constructor Detail


public AbstractValidationRule()
Method Detail


public void setFailMessage(XMLizable object)
Sets the failmessage to use for this validation rule, this will be used instead of the validation rules' built-in message. The message itself should be an object impementing XMLizable, such as a SaxBuffer instance. This allows fail messages to contain mixed content (instead of just being a string).


public ValidationError getFailMessage()
Returns the failMessage wrapped in a ValidationError object.


public boolean hasFailMessage()
Returns true if this validation rule has a user-defined fail message.


protected Object evaluateNumeric(org.outerj.expression.Expression expression,
                                 org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext,
                                 String exprName,
                                 String ruleName)
Helper method for evaluating expressions whose result is numeric.

exprName - a name for the expression that's descriptive for the user, e.g. the name of the attribute in which it was defined
ruleName - a descriptive name for the validation rule, usually the rule's element name
either a ValidationError (because expression evaluation failed) or a CannotYetResolveWarning (because another, required field referenced in the expression has not yet a value), or a BigDecimal.


protected Object evaluateComparable(org.outerj.expression.Expression expression,
                                    org.outerj.expression.ExpressionContext expressionContext,
                                    String exprName,
                                    String ruleName)
Helper method for evaluating expressions whose result is comparable.

exprName - a name for the expression that's descriptive for the user, e.g. the name of the attribute in which it was defined
ruleName - a descriptive name for the validation rule, usually the rule's element name
either a ValidationError (because expression evaluation failed) or a CannotYetResolveWarning (because another, required field referenced in the expression has not yet a value), or a BigDecimal.

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