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ProfilingDataHolder (Apache Cocoon 3: Parent 3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT API)
Interface ProfilingDataHolder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfilingDataHolder

Interface for the storage layer of the profiling module. Supports storage and retrieval of ProfilingData objects based on a key.

The stored ProfilingData objects may be discarded at any point in time.

Method Summary
 ProfilingData get(String id)
          Retrieve the ProfilingData objects stored with the given id as key.
 void store(String id, ProfilingData data)
          Store the given ProfilingData objects using the given id as key.

Method Detail


void store(String id,
           ProfilingData data)
Store the given ProfilingData objects using the given id as key.

id -
data -


ProfilingData get(String id)
Retrieve the ProfilingData objects stored with the given id as key.

id -
the ProfilingData stored with the given id as key or null if there is no mapping for the given id.

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