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ProfilingDataManager (Apache Cocoon 3: Parent 3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT API)
Interface ProfilingDataManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfilingDataManager

The ProfilingDataManager is responsible for building the data structure by linking the ProfilingData elements together.

The creation of the data structure is solely in the responsibility of the ProfilingDataManager and has to be accomplished using the information stored in the ProfilingData objects. Furthermore it has to group the incoming ProfilingData objects and to move the whole data structure to the ProfilingDataHolder after one group was completely processed.

Method Summary
 void add(ProfilingData data)
          Add and process the given profiling data.
 void setProfilingDataHolder(ProfilingDataHolder profilingDataHolder)

Method Detail


void add(ProfilingData data)
Add and process the given profiling data.

data -


void setProfilingDataHolder(ProfilingDataHolder profilingDataHolder)

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