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StAXConsumer (Apache Cocoon 3: Parent 3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT API)

Interface StAXConsumer

All Superinterfaces:
Consumer, PipelineComponent, StAXPipelineComponent
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStAXTransformer, CleaningTransformer, IncludeTransformer, SAXForStAXPipelineWrapper, StAXToSAXPipelineAdapter, XMLSerializer

public interface StAXConsumer
extends Consumer, StAXPipelineComponent

The specific interface for StAX consumer implementation of the cocoon Consumer interface. This interface extends the Consumer with two methods. One, the initiatePullProcessing() to start the pull processing and the setParent(StAXProducer) to set the Producer for the consumer as parent directly to the component.

Method Summary
 void initiatePullProcessing()
          Since the workflow in a pull pipeline is completely inverted compared to for example a SAX pipeline, this method is required to push the Starter.execute() to the Finisher which should start processing.
 void setParent(StAXProducer parent)
          Used to connect a consumer to it's producer.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.component.PipelineComponent
finish, setConfiguration, setup

Method Detail


void initiatePullProcessing()
Since the workflow in a pull pipeline is completely inverted compared to for example a SAX pipeline, this method is required to push the Starter.execute() to the Finisher which should start processing.


void setParent(StAXProducer parent)
Used to connect a consumer to it's producer. As to the nature of the control inversion and pulling it is required to specify a parent, which provides the consumer with events to consume. This function is called when the pipeline sets it's consumers.

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