Template method which has to produce at least one XMLEvent and should add this to the
internal Queue with the #add(XMLEvent) and #addAll(Collection)
public SAXForStAXPipelineWrapper(SAXProducer saxTransformer)
Constructs an Wrapper around an SAXTransformer and made it available to add it to an
Pipeline only containing StAX- PipelineComponents.
The - Transformer which should be wrapped. As an SAXTransformer it have to implement the
SAXProducer and the SAXConsumer interface. Since no transformer
interface exists at the moment at the cocoon-sax project this way is chosen. But
this may be changed later.
Template method which has to produce at least one XMLEvent and should add this to the
internal Queue with the #add(XMLEvent) and #addAll(Collection)
methods. If no XMLEvent is added by this method to the internal Queue an
exception is thrown.