Since many people do not seem to understand the big picture of
the technologies used by Cocoon, I will try to explain my vision of
them. I will also provide some information that I hope will enable
you to jump right in, help with its development, or show your boss
how much money can be saved using Cocoon.
What is this XML?
XML (eXtensible Markup
Language) is a subset of SGML (Standard
Generalized Mark-up Language). SGML is the grandparent of
all markup languages and a 15-year-old ISO standard for creating
languages. You can think of XML as a lighter version of SGML.
The first thing you must understand is that XML is not a
language (like HTML), but a syntax, in the same way that ASCII
defines a standard way to map characters to bytes rather than to
character strings.
XML is usually referred to as portable data in the sense
that its parsing is application independent. The same XML
parser can read every possible XML document: one describing your
bank account, another describing your favorite Italian meal,
etc. This is, as you all know, impossible with other text-based or
binary file formats. A near-equivalent in the old days was CSV
(comma separated values) files, which used a very simple syntax (one
record per line, a comma separating fields, and the values in the
first row naming the columns). XML, unlike CSV, is much more
flexible and structured, even though it's much simpler than SGML.
A particular XML language is defined by its Document Type
Definition (DTD). DTDs are described in the XML specification.
They describe the syntax of a language implemented in XML. An XML
document may be validated against a DTD (if present). If the
validation is successful the document is said to be valid XML
based on the particular DTD. If a DTD is not present and the
parser does not encounter syntax errors parsing the file, the XML
document is said to be well-formed. If errors are found,
the document is not XML compliant.
So, any valid XML document is well-formed and an XML
document valid for one particular DTD may not necessarily
be valid for another DTD. For example, HTML is not an XML
language because some tags such as <br> are not
XML compliant. In XHTML, an XML compliant
reformulation of HTML, <br> , for example, is
replaced with <br/> . While HTML pages are not
always well-formed XML documents (some pages might be), XHTML pages
are always well-formed and valid XML documents if they match the
So much for the technical differences, but why was HTML not good
enough? Let's consider an example.
XML shows its power
Consider how the need for XML came about:
- Everyone starts publishing HTML documents on the web.
- Search engines spring up across the net to help find documents.
- Search engines have a difficult time searching specific pieces of a
document since HTML was designed to represent hierarchically how data
should be presented, but not what data is being presented.
- Web applications spring up across the net to provide information and
These services could be web pages that serve up important
information about an organization or the structure of the
organization. It could be weather information or travel
advisories. It could be contact information for people. Stock
quotes. It could a book on how to grow the perfect Tomato.
So now we have all this information. Tons of it. Great! Now go
and search all those web pages for specific content, like Author or
Subject. Find me all abstracts of documents published on the subject
of Big Tomatoes, since I only want to view abstracts to
find the document best for me. An HTML page is not designed for
this. It was designed for how to present the data.
When I look at a web page I might see that an author chose to
make every heading bold with <font
size="+1"> . Yet if I look at another page I might notice
that every heading was marked up with <H1> . Yet
another page may use tables and table headers to format the
data. Find me every document that has the word potato in
the first heading.
Suppose I have a web application that serves up weather
information for different parts of the country. Let's say you live
in Boston, MA and only want the local weather. Your boss asks you to
write an application that goes out and grabs the two-to-three
sentence weather summary from my application and display it on your
intranet's homepage.
You take a quick jaunt over to my weather application and notice
that the summary is in what looks like the second paragraph of the
page. So you take a quick peek at the HTML source that my weather
application returns. You suddenly realize that it's all on one line
and is buried deep within tables.
So you start writing your little application to parse my HTML
code to retrieve only the information you were looking for. You pat
yourself on the back when—4 hours later—you finally get
the information you were looking for. Your code looks for the 2nd
TABLE , the 6th TR , and then the 2nd
TD . Phew. Your application, which really only wants to
retrieve weather data, is forced to parse display markup to get
You run over to your boss and demonstrate the application you are
so proud of writing. Lo and behold it doesn't work. What happened?
The good old page author decided to change the layout and move the
weather summary to TABLE 1, TR 1,
TD 1. Your application breaks because it is tied to the
presentation of the data and not to the data itself. Not very
effective, since now your app will break every time the page author
drinks too much coffee.
Then you notice something on the page that interests you. The
site is automatically generated from XML and you see a link that
indicates there is an XML DTD for weather information. And another
link that indicates the availability of an XML stream for weather
information. Yikes, would you look at that:
 |  |  |  |
Beautiful and Sunny, lows 50, highs 65, with the
chance of a blizzard and gail force winds.
|  |  |  |  |
So you simply download Cocoon and quickly write an XSL stylesheet
that looks like the following:
 |  |  |  |
<xsl:template match="/">
... presentation info here ...
match="weather-information[location/city = 'Boston']">
<xsl:apply-templates select="summary"/>
|  |  |  |  |
And your boss gives you your job back! ;-)
The HTML Model
As the above example explains, HTML is a language for describing
graphics, behavior, and hyperlinks on web pages. HTML is
not able to contextualize (i.e. give meaning
to some text). For example, if you look for the title
of a page, a nice HTML tag gives you that, but if you look for the
author or version or something more specific like the author's mail
address—even if this information is present in the
text—you don't have a way to isolate it
(contextualize it) from the surrounding information.
In HTML like this
 |  |  |  |
<title>This is my article</title>
<h1 align="center">This is my article</h1>
<h3 align="center">
by <a href="">
Stefano Mazzocchi
|  |  |  |  |
you don't have a guaranteed way to extract the mail address.
Whereas in the following XML document
 |  |  |  |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>This is my article</title>
<name>Stefano Mazzocchi</name>
|  |  |  |  |
it's trivial and algorithmically certain.
We don't imagine XML overtaking HTML in web publishing since HTML
is great for small needs. HTML was born as an SGML-based DTD for
scientists' homepages, i.e. to parallelize and simplify the
deployment and management of personal information. HTML was
not designed for the publishing and processing of large
quantities of data and complex dynamic information systems.
The XSL Language
As you can see, XML alone is useless without some defined
semantics: even if an application is able to parse a document, it
must be able to understand what the markup means. This is
why XML-only browsers are meaningless and not more useful than text
editors from a usability point of view.
This is one of the reasons why XSL (the eXtensible Stylesheet
Language) was proposed and designed. XSL is divided into two
parts: transformation
(XSLT) and formatting
objects (sometimes referred to as FO, XSL:FO, or simply
XSL). Both are XML DTDs that define a particular XML syntax, so
every XSL or XSLT document is a well-formed XML document.
XSL Transformations (XSLT)
XSLT is a language for transforming one well-formed XML document
into something else (which may not necessarily be another
XML document, although it most often will be). This means that you
can use it to go from one DTD to another in a procedural way that is
defined inside your XSLT document. XSLT can be used in ways its
name might not imply: a transformation may be applied to a document
to generate a graphical description of its content. This is
called styling, but, as you can imagine, it is just one of
the possible uses of transformation technology.
Back in the earlier example, the HTML file may have been
generated from an XML file using another XML file as a
transformation sheet (which in this case is a stylesheet). The data
is all there: we just have to tell the transformer how to come up
with the HTML document once all the data is parsed.
Usually, transformation sheets work from one DTD to another and
in this way form a chain: transformA goes from DTD1 to DTD2 and
transformB from DTD2 to DTD3 or graphically
 |  |  |  | DTD1 ---(transformA)--> DTD2 ---(transformB)---> DTD3 |  |  |  |  |
We'll call DTD1 the original DTD, DTD2 some
intermediate DTD, DTD3 the final DTD. A
transformation can always be created to go directly from DTD1 to
DTD3, but this might be more complicated and less
XSL Formatting Objects (XSL:FO)
XSLFO is a language (an XML DTD) for describing 2D layout of text
in both printed and digital media. I will not concentrate on the
graphical abilities that formatting objects give you, but rather on
the fact that it is mostly used as a final DTD, meaning
that a transformation is used to generate a formatting object
description of a document starting from a general XML file.
An XSLFO document for our ongoing example would be
 |  |  |  |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fo:root xmlns:fo="">
<fo:flow font-size="14pt" line-height="14pt">
line-height="28pt">This is my article</fo:block>
text-align="centered">by Stefano Mazzocchi</fo:block>
|  |  |  |  |
which tells the formatting object formatter (the rendering
engine), how to draw and place the text on screen or on
XSL formatting objects and transformations are being specified by
the same working group and have a lot of synergy, even though the
XSLT specification also includes ways to create HTML and text from
XML files.
The XSP Language
The Cocoon publishing model is heavily based on the XSLT
transformation capabilities. XSLT allows complete separation of
content and style (something that is much harder to obtain with
HTML, even using CSS2 or other styling technologies). But Cocoon
goes further and defines a way of separating content and style from
the programming logic that drives server side behavior.
The XSP language defines an XML DTD for separating content and logic
for compiled server pages. XSP is, like XSLFO, supposed to be a
final DTD. In fact, XSP is rendered into source code and then
compiled into binary code. This allows performance increase since no
parsing or interpretation overhead happens at runtime.
In dynamic content generation technology, content and logic are
combined: in every page there is a mix of static content and dynamic
logic that work together to create the final result, usually using
run-time or time-dependent input. XSP is no exception, since it
defines a syntax to mix static content and programmatic logic in a
way that is independent of both the programming language used and
the binary results that the final source-rendering generated.
But it must be understood that XSP is just a piece of the
framework: exactly like how formatting objects mix style and
content, XSP objects mix logic and content. On the other hand, since
both are XML DTDs, XSLT can be used to move from pure content to
these final DTDs, placing the style and logic on the transformation
layers and guaranteeing complete separation and easier