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Uses of Interface org.apache.cocoon.stax.StAXProducer (Apache Cocoon 3: Parent 3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT API)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use StAXProducer

Uses of StAXProducer in org.apache.cocoon.stax

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.stax that implement StAXProducer
 class AbstractStAXProducer
          StAX specific abstract class implementing the Producer.setConsumer(Consumer) method checking if a StAXConsumer is used, storing it and setting itself as the parent of its consumer.
 class AbstractStAXTransformer
          Abstract transformer could/should be used for each StAXTransformer.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.stax that return StAXProducer
protected  StAXProducer AbstractStAXTransformer.getParent()
          This StAXProducer is the parent of the module overwriting this AbstractStAXTransformer.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.stax with parameters of type StAXProducer
 void StAXConsumer.setParent(StAXProducer parent)
          Used to connect a consumer to it's producer.
 void AbstractStAXTransformer.setParent(StAXProducer parent)
          Used to connect a consumer to it's producer.

Uses of StAXProducer in org.apache.cocoon.stax.component

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.stax.component that implement StAXProducer
 class CleaningTransformer
          Transformer which is used to clean a xml document from all whitespaces, comments and namespace start prefixes and end prefixes.
 class IncludeTransformer
          A transformer that includes a xml document into another at the place where a include tag is found pointing at the document to include.
 class XMLGenerator
          General element generator for a StAX pipeline directly taking all elements from an internal XMLEventReader created from an InputStream or directly from an URL.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.stax.component with parameters of type StAXProducer
 void XMLSerializer.setParent(StAXProducer parent)
          Used to connect a consumer to it's producer.

Uses of StAXProducer in org.apache.cocoon.stax.converter

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.stax.converter that implement StAXProducer
 class SAXForStAXPipelineWrapper
          This class could be seen as the default implementation to use SAX components in StAX pipelines.

Methods in org.apache.cocoon.stax.converter with parameters of type StAXProducer
 void StAXToSAXPipelineAdapter.setParent(StAXProducer parent)
          Used to connect a consumer to it's producer.

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