Uses of Interface

Packages that use Transformer

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.ajax

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.ajax that implement Transformer
 class BrowserUpdateTransformer

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.forms.transformation

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.forms.transformation that implement Transformer
 class FormsTemplateTransformer
          See description of EffectWidgetReplacingPipe.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.generation

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.generation that implement Transformer
static class JXTemplateGenerator.TransformerAdapter
          Deprecated. Adapter that makes this generator usable as a transformer (Note there is a performance penalty for this however: you effectively recompile the template for every instance document)

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.mail.transformation

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.mail.transformation that implement Transformer
 class SendMailTransformer
          The SendMailTransformer send mails with optional attachments using a SMTP server and delivers furthermore a status report of each sent mail.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplets.basket

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.portal.coplets.basket that implement Transformer
 class AbstractBasketTransformer
          This is the base class for all basket transformers
 class BasketTransformer
          This transformer supports the basket and briefcase feature.
 class FolderTransformer
          This transformer supports the basket feature.

Uses of Transformer in

Classes in that implement Transformer
 class CheckAccessTransformer
 class PortalToolsI18nTransformer
 class PortalToolsLayoutTransformer
          Adds the navigation etc. to the document

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.portal.transformation

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.portal.transformation that implement Transformer
 class AbstractCopletTransformer
          Abstract transformer implementation that provides some useful methods and functionality.
 class CopletTransformer
          This transformer offers various functions for developing pipeline based coplets.
 class EventLinkTransformer
          This transformer searches for event descriptions in the XML.
 class HTMLEventLinkTransformer
          This transformer transforms html actions into events.
 class HTMLRootTransformer
          This transformer is an utility transformer for dealing with (x)html content.
 class LinkTransformer
          This Transformer deals with tags containing links to external applications that need to be converted so that not the external application will be called directly but the request gets routed via the cocoon portal (either via proxy transformer or proxy reader).
 class NewEventLinkTransformer
          This transformer is used to replace links (URIs) from elements like <a href="URI"> or <form action="URI"> with portal event uris.
 class ProxyTransformer
          This transformer is used to insert the XHTML data from an request to an external application at the specified element ("envelope-tag" parameter).
 class RSSTransformer
          This transformer records the content of all description elements and tries to interpret them as valid XML.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.sitemap

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.sitemap that implement Transformer
 class LinkGatherer
 class LinkTranslator

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.template

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.template that implement Transformer
 class TransformerAdapter
          Adapter that makes this generator usable as a transformer (Note there is a performance penalty for this however: you effectively recompile the template for every instance document)

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.transformation

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.transformation that implement Transformer
 class AbstractDOMTransformer
          An Abstract DOM Transformer, for use when a transformer needs a DOM-based view of the document.
 class AbstractExtractionTransformer
          This transformer sieves an incoming stream of xml and feeds a DOMBuilder with it.
 class AbstractSAXTransformer
          This class is the basis for all transformers.
 class AbstractTransformer
 class AugmentTransformer
 class CachingCIncludeTransformer
          Deprecated. This transformer violates the avalon/cocoon design principles. Use IncludeTransformer.
 class CIncludeTransformer
 class CleanupTransformer
          Cleanup transformer: Removes excess whitespace while adding some where needed for legibility.
 class DASLTransformer
          This transformer performs DASL queries on DASL-enabled WebDAV servers.
 class DeliTransformer
          This Transformer is used to transform this incoming SAX stream using a XSLT stylesheet and have parameters available to the stylesheet augmented by the DELI CC/PP user-agent profile database This transformer extends the default TraxTransformer and thus inherits all the properties and configuration parameters of that transformer.
 class EncodeURLTransformer
 class ExtendedParserTransformer
 class FilterTransformer
 class FragmentExtractorTransformer
          The transformation half of the FragmentExtractor.
 class HTMLTransformer
          Converts (escaped) HTML snippets into JTidied HTML.
 class I18nTransformer
 class IncludeTransformer
          A simple transformer including resolvable sources (accessed through Cocoon's SourceResolver) from its input.
 class JPathTransformer
 class JXTemplateTransformer
          Deprecated. Replaced with the template block: JXTemplateTransformer.
 class LDAPTransformer
          The LDAPTransformer can be plugged into a pipeline to transform the SAX events into queries and responses to/from a LDAP interface.
 class LexicalTransformer
          This transfomer transforms special mark text part of a XML file into lexemes by using a lexicon file.
 class LinkRewriterTransformer
          Rewrites URIs in links to a value determined by an InputModule.
 class LogTransformer
 class LuceneIndexTransformer

A lucene index creation transformer.

 class NekoHTMLTransformer
          Converts (escaped) HTML snippets into tidied HTML using the NekoHTML library.
 class ParserTransformer
          This transfomer transforms lexical tokens in a XML file into a XML hirachy by using a grammar file.
 class PatternTransformer
          This transfomer transforms text pattern of a XML file into lexemes by using a lexicon file.
 class ReadDOMSessionTransformer
 class RoleFilterTransformer
 class ServiceableTransformer
          This class can be used as a base class for own transformer implementations that need to lookup other components.
 class SimpleFormInstanceExtractionTransformer
 class SimpleFormTransformer
 class SourcePropsWritingTransformer
          This transformer allows you to set and remove properties on an InspectableSource.
 class SourceWritingTransformer
 class SQLTransformer
          The SQLTransformer can be plugged into a pipeline to transform SAX events into updated or queries and responses to/from a SQL interface.
 class StripNameSpacesTransformer
 class TagTransformer
          Transformer which implements the taglib functionalty.
 class TeeTransformer
 class TraxTransformer
 class ValidatingTransformer
          The ValidatingTransformer provides a very simple Transformer validating documents while being processed in a Cocoon pipeline.
 class ValidationReportTransformer
          The ValidationReportTransformer provides a Transformer validating documents while being processed in a Cocoon pipeline, and preparing a report of all detected inconsistancies according the specified schema.
 class VariableRewriterTransformer
          Rewrites URIs in links to a value determined by an InputModule.
 class Web3RfcTransformer
 class WebDAVTransformer
          A general purpose, low level webdav transformer.
 class WriteDOMSessionTransformer
 class XIncludeTransformer
 class XMLDBTransformer
          This transformer allows to perform resource creation, deletion, and XUpdate command execution in XML:DB.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.transformation.pagination

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.transformation.pagination that implement Transformer
 class Paginator
          A paginating transformer.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.webapps.session.transformation

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.webapps.session.transformation that implement Transformer
 class AbstractSessionTransformer
          Deprecated. This block is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
 class SessionPostTransformer
          Deprecated. This block is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
 class SessionPreTransformer
          Deprecated. This block is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
 class SessionTransformer
          Deprecated. This block is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.cocoon.woody.transformation

Classes in org.apache.cocoon.woody.transformation that implement Transformer
 class WoodyTemplateTransformer
          See description of WidgetReplacingPipe.

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