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DELI Quick Start Guide
apache > cocoon

DELI Quick Start Guide

DELI Quick Start Guide

If you are seeing the 'DELI is switched off' message when you try the test pages then you need to enable DELI. If you do not want to rebuild Cocoon, just add the following lines to the deployed cocoon.xconf:

<deli class="org.apache.cocoon.components.deli.DeliImpl">
   <parameter name="deli-config-file" value="deli/config/deliCocoonConfig.xml"/>

However if you are developing with Cocoon and need DELI you may prefer to make the same change to the deli.xconf file in src\java\components\deli. When you build Cocoon, this file is inserted into the cocoon.xconf file.

By default DELI recognises Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Amaya and the Nokia WAP development kit as legacy browsers. If you are using a different browser, you may need to edit the legacyDevices.xml, the DELI legacy device support file. For more details see the DELI documentation.