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Session Action
apache > cocoon

Session Action

Session Action

The session action helps in managing the session of a user on the server. It can create and terminate a session. The function is controlled by a parameter named 'action'.

For more information on session handling and session contexts have a look at the Session Context documentation.

Creating a Session

To create a session (if it not already exists) simply add the action in your pipeline:

    <map:act type="session"/>

This is the equivalent to specify the 'action' parameter with the value 'create':

    <map:act type="session">
        <map:parameter name="action" value="create"/>

Terminating a Session

Terminating a session is as easy as creating a session, simply add the action to your pipeline and set the 'action' parameter to 'terminate':

    <map:act type="session">
        <map:parameter name="action" value="terminate"/>

This terminates the session immediately.

You can optionally specifiy the 'mode' parameter which controlls the termination of the session. You have the choice between 'immediately' (the default) and 'if-unsued'. If you use the mode 'if-unused', the session is only terminated, if no session context exists for the user:

    <map:act type="session">
        <map:parameter name="action" value="terminate"/>
        <map:parameter name="mode" value="if-unused"/>


  • Name : session
  • Class: org.apache.cocoon.webapps.session.acting.SessionAction